Music streamer device vs laptop/phone?

I stream Tidal hifi through my laptop/iPhone into a Parasound Halo integrated via USB.  The dac in the parasound sounds great to me.  I see expensive music streamer devices and wonder if they would provide any actual audible sound quality improvement over what I’m using already?  I don’t care about the user interface convenience, multi use applications, stylish looks, etc.  just sound quality.  I strictly stream Tidal for 2 channel home stereo listening and don’t mind being “tethered” to my phone or laptop to select music.  I’m in the dark about music streaming devices.  Why are some so expensive?  For my purposes, would one bring any actual audible improvement vs me streaming from phone to the Parasound’s DAC?  I’m thinking it wouldn’t, but any insight/advice is appreciated.  Thanks!
I use a phone and a dedicated streamer. Six of one half dozen the other. Whatever works best for you will sound fine. DACs can make a big difference ( I use external DACs always into my system) but even the DACs in newer smartphones are pretty good at least into a suited pair of easy to drive headphones, if running without a headphone amp.
The last time I went to an audio show was a few years ago so take this with a grain of salt: in every room that used a laptop as the source that I visited, I asked if the laptop was good enough and the answer each and every time was, yes.

That, and at a lot of the show reviews online that I see, they use a laptop and the reviewers had nothing but great things to say about the sound.

If it sounds great to you, then the only person you need to impress is already, impressed. 😄

All the best,
You could find yourself spiralling "out of control" once you start down the path of streaming devices - it really depends on how good you want it to sound - But that is what this hobby is all about - isn’t it?

The more affordable streaming devices like the Bluesound Node 2 will probably sound better than your laptop/phone/DAC combo right from the start - but it can also sound so much better if treated to some good power and interconnect cables - and this is where the spiralling starts.

But - what is your definition of streaming? just services like Spotify, Tidal?

For me - streaming is simply an infrastructure that allows me to play ALL digital content, whether it be...
- internet radio stations
- streaming services like Spotify, Tidal etc...
- Digital content from my NAS drive - I’ve ripped my CD library to the NAS
- Digital content from USB sticks from friends and my Android phone

So I wanted a single component that allow me to
- accomplish this with ease - i.e. setup, intuitive interface, infrastructure
- not be reliant on USB - with its various issues
- have great technical support,
- not be at the mercy of the latest OS updates,
- play resolutions up to 24/192
- have an intuitive multi platform user interface
- but most of all - sound fantastic

The Node 2 has lived up to my criteria.

I started by using a computer connected via USB to my Schiit Bifrost DAC and after a lot of cable tweaking, Still had to deal with OS upgrades, software upgrades, etc...

Making the transition to the Bluesound Node 2 that uses Ethernet for internet connectivity has been amazing.

Bluesound provides regular software and services updates and I'm yet to have one fail. The interface is intuitive to use and I have only had to call tech support once, but even then it was my router that was at fault.

But the bottom line here is really....
- if YOU are happy with your sound using the software/hardware you have available - then stick with it and don’t worry about other solutions.

Regards - Steve
Mini Mac & DAC.  Upgrading a DAC is easy.   I've used a computer & DAC since late last Century. Over the years, I have upgraded computers many times but only 3 DAC's.
After years of using a MacBook Pro to stream Tidal to my DAC and integrated, I recently switched to a Pro-Ject Stream Box Ultra 2.

The convenience of not having to dedicate or continually set up a laptop in my system is great, but for what it's worth, I think the MacBook sounded better...