Does anyone leave their amp and preamp on all the time?

I listen most nights after work. I find that the system takes a while to warm up and sounds it's best if it has been shut off. So I leave it on. I always have and this is vintage stuff. The amp is a 25/25 Bedini class A. It stays warm but never hot. It has never caused an issue but recently I've been speaking with others that were stunned that I would do this. So let me know if I'm the only one that lets it run. Do you shut off the equipment after each session?
Wow, someone bought into the climate change hoax big time! It’s all made up BS! You have been duped by Greta apparently. The earth has been here for billions of years, I think it will survive a few hundred of the industrial revolution. People are soooo gullible, it’s a freaking money grab period! The earth goes thru warming and cooling cycles and has since the beginning of time ......there Is absolutely no scientific evidence that any of this $h&t is true, none....In fact 99 % of scientists agree there is no freakin crisis my god.....its the new religion is all it is. Come back to Jesus Christ and be happy...its laughable really....get rid of fossil fuels? And use what? Electric cars? Hahahaha where does most of the electricity come from to charge the car? You guessed it fossil fuel....why? Because it is plentiful and reliable and it works.....wind power, not always windy. Solar? Too expensive and well not every day is sunny....these people are insane moonbat liberals sitting on piles of cash with nothing else to occupy their time except to go out of their way to make normal , rational, logical thinking people miserable. Ludicrous...
Yeah, one flight in their private jet instead of flying commercial and they have polluted more than I will in a hundred years of leaving my equipment on. They also typically own several gas guzzlers by way of automobiles,  SUV’s and or super sports cars not to mention pools, jacuzzis, and lawn sprinkler systems.
My amps are Pass Aleph 2's pure class A, they run way to hot to leave on 24 -7 unfortunately they take a couple of hours minimum to start sounding good. Luckily I only work 5 mins. from home so when I plan on listening I'll turn everything on 2 or 3 hours prior. My sub crossover/amp has been plugged in and on for over 25 years but is probably  class D and runs pretty much at room temp, the Aleph's on the other hand I could probably cook dinner with them! LOL.   
No, mine are covered 24/7
when I do fire up, I power on the night before, leave them on all day, so when I come home,Friday night or Sat night, they are ready to rumble.
 When I’m done listening, I power off and unplug them.  
Amps, preamp, and CD player are powered on night before a good listening session.   Best time is from 12-4 am. When power is strong.
 Hard as I’m not a night owl, but the speakers relax me, and I have never had fatigue since I purchased my grail speakers!
I can afford to leave mine on 24/7 because it is very high efficiency. I have owned all tube systems, and class A & A/B amps. For me the inefficiency of A/AB electrical idle costs are their Achilles Heel, and so I have l searched for comparable sound from class D amps.

I have owned 5 different mfgs class D offerings. Overtime, they have improved significantly. Case in point (fast forward to today) Ric Schultz's EVS 1200 is dual mono, using the latest IcePower 1200AS2 modules,  pumping out 600wpc in 8 ohms, which he then mods. Unlike 4 of the other well known amps, this one has taken my Emerald Physics KCIIs to a much higher level, no longer needing my 2 SVS 12" subs to get solid, tight and tuneful bass

It's a bargain at ~ $2300 and has a 30 day money back