Separates or Integrated? What makes more sense?

If you had $10,000 to spend on amplification, would you put all that money and get a really great and pricey integrated amp like a Pass or Luxman. Or, would you use that 10k to buy a really great preamp and amp combo. Apart from the convenience and space consideration, hypothetically how would you choose to spend that 10k if sound was your main criterion.

There is no wrong way to go, it simply a matter of personal taste. It's also a choice of greater flexibility with seperates or a single box solution.  I have had both setups over the years, but now have a IA with no plans of going back to separates.

My IA is a Viva Solistino,  having avoided tube amp for years, it was my speaker's that prompted me to consider making the move to tubes. I re searched various tube IA for abouts eight months...before deciding on the Viva. 

Good luck in your  search!
Given space is not a constraint, at that price point, I would opt for separates. That would provide for flexibility down the road regarding system placement and changes one might wish to make.

Everyone will choose differently. You have many choices for that price including many top notch sounding integrated amps available these days.  You might not appreciate the ease of an integrated currently but may become a bonus someday. 
I guess the question I have is if a 5k amp and 5k preamp going to sound appreciably better than a integrated which cost 10k?  The ability to build my own amplification combo by mixing and matching is attractive.  On the other hand, good IA have an inbuilt compatibility.  Are Integrateds overpriced because of all the extra engineering and design, and is this compromise affect the sound.