A certain amount of very low frequency woofer excursion with records is perfectly normal.Just to be clear, my signal chain has 2Hz response from the cartridge input all the way to the loudspeakers, which employ dual 15" drivers. I run them without grill cloth covers and I only see excursions on things like big bass drum whacks. It takes a pretty warped record to set them off. But I was careful to make sure that my cartridge and arm work well together.
The cartridge in the arm has something called 'effective mass'. The cartridge also has a compliance figure; that in tandem with the effective mass creates a thing called 'mechanical resonance'. These things can be calculated by the way... anyway, the mechanical resonance should fall between about 8-12Hz; if it does than minor record warp won't be bottoming out your woofers. When the mechanical resonance is not in the right window, Bad Things happen- like mistracking, even to the point of the stylus jumping out of the groove, woofers pumping, breakup during complex passages and so on.