I have listened to numerous high quality subs including dipoles but have never listened to OB or any GR Research subs. My only experience utilizing 4 subs in a distributed bass array (DBA) configuration is the Audio Kinesis Debra 4-sub complete DBA kit system I bought and installed about 5 years ago in my 21'x15'x8' room. This system is identical in price, sub amp/controller utilized and concept to the AK Swarm system except the Debra subs are more rectangular at 12"Wx14.5"Dx28"H.
I initially used Magnepan 2.7QR 3-way 6'x2' dipole panels as main speakers with no room treatments, DSP room correction or EQ and ran them full range (35-20K Hz) with all 4 Debra subs operated in mono, without the port plugs and a 40Hz cutoff frequency setting, so all 4 subs in mono and ported configuration operating between 20 and 40 Hz.
This setup provided what I consider near sota bass performance in my room that was fast, smooth and detailed enough to seamlessly integrate with the 2.7QRs while still providing the powerful deep bass impact and dynamics I felt they lacked.
A couple months ago I upgraded to a pair of Magnepan 3.7i main speakers, which are the same size and 3-ways but have the true-ribbon treble transducer instead of a quasi-ribbon transducer, and fully treated my room with $3,500 worth of custom installed GIK room treatments. You can view my recently updated system pics to view the results.
Long story short, the true-ribbon treble section and other 25 year newer technology of the 3.7i main speakers, along with the room treatments, significantly improved the overall detail, sound stage imaging, naturalness, quality, realism and overall enjoyment of my system. And I perceive the sota bass performance and seamless integration with the new 3.7i main speakers provided by the 4-sub DBA system as even more impressive, which I didn't think was possible.
So in summary, I'm stating that I'm thoroughly convinced of the 4-sub DBA concept's effectiveness in my room and believe you'll be thoroughly convinced if you deploy one in your room. However, I'm not stating that 4 high quality GR Research/Rhythmik OB or servo-controlled sealed subs wouldn't perform and sound equally as well or better in a DBA confguration, because I've never heard them and just don't know.
Best wishes,