What stands for Mag 3.6's work well?

I would like to hear any feedback on MYE, Sound Anchors or others that you may have used Thanks.
There may be a few 3.6's (hopefully with Mye's included) coming up for sale in the next 6-12 months now that the 3.7's have been announced and are getting good reviews.
"There may be a few 3.6's (hopefully with Mye's included) coming up for sale in the next 6-12 months now that the 3.7's have been announced and are getting good reviews."

Saw a black on black pair with Mye stands a day or two ago at what I thought was a very attractive price.
You'll never HEAR the ringing...but it will smear the sound.
Real wood has some amazing properties not equaled by MDF or steel, in any combination.
If I were required to build metal stands, I'd be tempted to use aluminum.
Grant's Mye stands with brass points anchor those Maggies of mine to the floor. The only ringing you'll hear out of those stands, metal or otherwise, will be your ears ringing when you play some Led Zeppelin or Rolling Stones at about 100 DBs through those bad boys.....

A hearty endorsement for a great product, and a nice couple from Canada that run Mye to boot.....

Another very happy buyer.
Any inert fill in the stands? Not lead...perhaps some kind of dry sand or even cat litter?