I liked the Nenuphar playing at low volume. I liked it less when the volume was cranked up.
The Nenuphar speakers, in my system and room, sound wonderful when played loud.
I attribute the ability to play them even louder than in the past to improvements I made on the power and power cable side of my system. Treating my room will push these already high volume levels, higher. My reference being: long listening sessions, at higher volumes than normal for me, without the problems that cut a session short.
I fully realize the 2A3 amps I'm using have limits in this respect. Having said that, those limits now are far higher (e.g. in volume without distortion / fatigue) than I expected and understand (technically).
I've come to learn that the types of music and how I go about listening to that music are 'tells' about my system and it's performance and parameters. One I've noticed recently is that I'm listening to large scale classical music with much greater frequency than I have in the past. This clearly communicates something (important) to me.
We all have different references and requirements. It's what makes this hobby so very interesting to me. What follows isn't dictate...it's merely an illustration of my comfort level in what my needs are:
Based my experience with Scott Sheaffer's Found-Music 2A3 amps, I (personally, for myself) do not see a need for more power than what a quality 300B SET amp offers to drive the Nenuphars.