VTF gauge

Trying to find a VTF gauge that had the measuring pad at the height of the album. Measuring VTF at the exact height of the album is critical. I have looked at numerous scales on line and none of them clearly states the height of the measuring pad. Can anyone recommend a scale that puts the measuring pad at the height of the album?

Good for you nandric. Many people do not. They assume their new gauge is accurate. Uberwaltz also checks his gauge. As for whether or not you have to check the VTF at exactly platter height dependson the geometry of the arm particularly what plane the vertical bearings are in. Ideally they should be at the level of the record. 
I own a number of digital scales. For me, the Shure (which I remember using as far back as the 70s) is easily the worst.
Then there is a very common stylus force gauge made in China and rebranded by everyone from Acoustech ($79 at Acoustic Sounds), Audio Additives ($49 at Music Direct ) to, well you name it, which is pretty bad providing wildly differing results within seconds of each other (Issues with magnets in lomcs?). I purchased a few different versions of that model. They were all unreliable.
Unhappy with the above, I purchased a Clearaudio Weight Watcher which was better but awkward to use in my set up and also did not measure the stylus force at the level of a record on the turntable. (The new version appears to have been improved with a measuring spot.) Finally, I purchased an Ortofon DS-3 which does everything right at what appears to be the average thickness of a record on the table. Expensive--but worth it.
Following in to Mijo, I would say that after you’ve set VTA, then you set VTF with the weigh pan set at the level of the surface of an LP. That’s in the best case.
What about the prices? There are some Ortofon products which
are made in Japan. I assume that Japan need to pay licence
rights to Ortofon . But chakster paid $ 30 for his Japanese DS1
while I paid 139 euro for my . In E. Union we need to pay 13% 
import duty + 21% VAT (Holland; 19%  Germany) . So we try
to buy European products in Europe. Gpgr mentioned China with
even lower prices than Japanese. I don't understand such price
differences . Anyway not In the so called ''global economy'' .
Similarly to what Nandric reports, about 70% of shoppers in Japanese shopping centers in Tokyo are Chinese, based on my observations. Ironically, they are primarily buying clothing made in China. I’ve asked several Chinese people about this phenomenon. Mostly they agree, shrug, and don’t say much.