It looks like a debate to me.

I'm more interested in hearing the viewpoints of people that have earned stripes in the audio industry rather than faceless hobbyists.  Am I alone in this?

I'm not a "hobbyist." My love of music (which propels all my audio systems appreciation), has way more amplitude than that snarky word can convey.
What is it about the word "hobbyist" that you think is snarky? There are many more hobbyists in this group - and I'm one of them - than there are professionals. There's nothing wrong with that. can report all you want but keep in mind there's a tradition of free speech in some places, and to some a troll is anybody who doesn't agree with their particular point of view. Are you reporting anyone who seems passionate about something you disagree with? A self appointed judge of others is also a troll, and nobody needs to be looking over their shoulder to see if Oldguide the Church Lady is watching for tawdry posts.
Where have you been all these years  ?   Nothing sounds the same  
Let's get that right.  
One thing is for sure. It will not look like anything to me since the event has been rescheduled and I have a previous commitment.
Thanks to their wonderful 'no refund" policy I get to throw my tickets against the wall.
@wolf_garcia , amen to your last post, and thank you for saying it. Enjoy the music.