The best outcome would be that this is overblown... but just in case...
Gene DellaSala Has Coronavirus
The best outcome would be that this is overblown... but just in case... |
@snapsc, Thanks for the link. It’s a great source for understanding the math behind it all and how to interpret it. The author should be proud of himself for the levels he went to to explain it. And, this just in: burial sites in Iran are large enough to be seen by our satellites. At first I thought the photos were of large farming plots. There is a clamp down of any info coming out of Iran and to see those burial sites doesn’t give one any reassurance. Granted, they have lower standards and infrastructure than we do but it’s still bad. And, the Italian Minister of Health just checked into the hospital with the virus. All the best, Nonoise |
Absolutely amazing. The mythology id flying. Her comes chicken little. Hide your children in the storm cellar, get the gas mask, run to the South Pole. Pretty soon the Penguins will get it. The natural history of viruses like this one are well known. Women under 70 and men under forty will have minimal symptoms an think it is just a cold or Spring allergies. 10% of women over 70 and men over 40 are at risk for severe disease. These are the people that need to be careful. Millions of people will be exposed, have mild disease and will develop immunity. As the immunity of the herd increases the spread of the disease will decline until it is gone. This is exactly what is happening in China now. By July the worse will be over and the Chicken Little people will look like fools. You are in way more danger every time you get in your car. If you are that paranoid get a NIOSH N95 mask and wear it out in public. As for me, I'm flying to Florida next week to visit family. I get daily updates from the CDC and State of NH. The medical system is more than ready to handle the cases. I have access to the tests now but if I suspect a case I have to get approval from the State to order the test. |