Acoustic Suspension sound in 2020?

I really like the sound of the 1960's-1970's acoustic suspension speakers owning a pair of AR-11's.

For a second installation, two questions for you folks who know far more than I--
- First, what if any new speakers have a similar sound?
- Second, any thoughts on KLH 5 and 6 vs. Large Advents vs. AR-3/11 and/or others?

Budget--I'll figure out later...if ideas are expensive, why not have a lust list to go with the purchase short list???!!!

Thanks very much!

Vandersteen 2s and 1s are sealed-box enclosures, no? If no ports, therefore acoustic suspension, unless I misunderstand the definition. There is also an interview with RV in which he cites his inspiration from the sound of the acoustic-suspension designs of Acoustic Research, etc., -- the "New England sound" I think he called it -- when he designed the Model 2.
The 1 has a transmission line vent and the Model 2 has what essentially functions as a passive radiator, and passive radiators act similarly to ports. Both speakers lack temporal snap in the bass which is the hallmark of a good AS design. 
Helomech, the acoustic coupler in the 2 and 3 is an active driver. Wondering if you know any technical details re how it essentially functions as a PR.

Would never, ever think that the bass in the 3 lacks snap, but of course that’s subjective and perhaps amp related.
Helomech, the acoustic coupler in the 2 and 3 is an active driver. Wondering if you know any technical details re how it essentially functions as a PR.

Would never, ever think that the bass in the 3 lacks snap, but of course that’s subjective and perhaps amp related
Look at the measurements of the 2Ce Sigs in Stereophile, it does indeed behave more like a PR.  

The whole series is somewhat lacking dynamics and bass texture. Not amp related as I've used the same amps on many other speakers of similar load difficulty. They dig plenty deep in the bass, with plenty of output, but it's not the tightly-controlled bass of true AS. 
Thanks. The impedance charts i suppose imply a hybrid. Not 100%  clear but I appreciate the info.