Extra power or cleaner power?

I'm putting a system together and am thinking through some of the factors which might contribute to the overall sound quality. I realize that testing things out as I go is the best way, so I'm asking this question not to get advice about what to do next but to understand how folks understand and weigh these factors.

Let's start with a predicted factor -- the speakers. From the speaker description:

Anticipated speakers: Salk SS 6M
Response +/- 3db — 35Hz - 40kHz
Sensitivity — 90 db
Impedance — 8 ohms
Amplification — 50 watts (or 30wpc, tube amp)
Alignment — Front slot port
Dimensions — 9 W x 20 H x 14 D

Some (atma-sphere, decooney) have suggested on this forum that even a 60 wpc tube would be great for these speakers. So, here's my question —

Assume that I could get a very good 40 wpc tube amp to drive these speakers to sufficient listening levels (85 db at about 10 feet), for my kind of music (jazz, classical), and peaks in my (400 sq ft) listening space.

With these assumptions, the question becomes one of priorities. I could either spend additional dollars to (a) buy a more powerful amp or (b) spend that money on a power regenerator. Also assume that if I do *not* buy a regenerator, I'd still do *something* to improve the power (some kind of improvement but much less expense).

The question is: with those assumptions, what do you think would add more to the sound quality? More power or cleaner power?

Perhaps this is an impossible theoretical question to answer. If so, I'd like to know that, too!

Ok had to research what a SULK SSM6 speaker was made of,,,SB Acoustics Satori, perhaps as good, or some say superior to my SEAS Thor EXCEL lab speakers.
I plan to add the SB Satori 2.5 way later this year.
anyway, mighty fine speaker you’ve got there..
now to match it...
Jadis used intergrated is most likely out your budget,,a gorgeous I50 just went on Ebay.
like $4K+.
anyway, my best opinion for you would be a used cayin KT88 amp. , if you can find one...,.then have the caps modded to Mundorf SGO.
add some E80’s in the AU section , and your choice on AX’s. KT’s all sound about equal., just stay with stock tubes.
Now you’ve got a class A sound system.
The Cayin I am refering to is the Cayin 70 model, with 4 KT88’s.
later on roll with KT150’s.
Trans are built like tanks, easily handel the 150’s. with no stress at all...
EDIT~~~ Just cked ebay listing on the KT88 70 model,,seems the lab emplyed the 6LS7 as pre tube,,,= not going to work.
You needa tube amp with 12AU7 pre , , either all AU’s or a few AX;’s.
These are superior to 6SL7’s. You need to hear the E80 in a AU pre socket.
Try the Line Magnetic series of tube amps, new + ship about $1400

scratch LM, go with
Muzishare X7, offers 2 AU sections, employ E80CC's. nice amp for $1K+
my years in here, reading, learning, being told things, what to expect.

 use your ears, i was always under the impression of lowest THD, IMD, etc etc was most important, not true, let your ears guide you.

 I learned my lesson.....
once i heard the Carver sunfire, i was astonished, as well as my grail amps, I was watching Pass labs monos, and a couple other pair of monos (because i was always poor, and owning monos are looked upon as having money or royalty in audio,...i now its silly, but, 25+ years of mid tier audio, i was ready to step up to some top tier high fidelity)

 Found a pair of McCormack/Conrad Johnson DNA-750 monos for a steal from a woman who was getting divorced, and low and behold the amps i purchased were owned by a major player in audio (Dan), who replaced the capacitors with teflon all around, and they are superb, ive not been happier........ This weekend im driving into Indiana, to meet Klaus, to pick up my Kismet + hand made upgraded monos he made special for me. 

Im so happy, I have 2 preamps i will consider using for these monos, I will for the first time in a long time, unhook my Carver sig 600, and break in the Odyssey mono blocs. I have an older Onkyo p-308 in pristine condition, which will add more depth to the sound, or the Sanders Sound Preamp with 20K in capacitance, but a much more neutral, pure/straight wire sound.

ill be having a great weekend, but the wait will be well worth it, as its expected a 4-7 month warm up for these ODYSSEY MONOS to fully break in.  im rambling, yes, this is what 11 molson canadian biers do to me. plus the anxiety of knowing im picking up my Odyssey monos, to break them in, ive never left amps on for extended periods, only for 24 hr warm up, then when done listening, i power off, these Odyssey amps will be a test, as im unsure if ill leave on for the ecommended time, ill most likely power off after 24 hours of listening, and resume break in for 24-48 hrs on the weekends, until they are broken in.  

man, have i rambled, im sorry.

on track: let your ears, arm hair & neck hair tell you what sounds good.
when the hair stands up on your arms and neck, and you have an elevated feeling of "wow" THAT is the moment you know you have found your amps.

 thats what happened to me with my speakers, after probably 2 minutes, i was sitting down, listening, and i had this feeling of holy ******, then i KNEW these speakers were for me. once powered by my Grail amps, the search was over ( for many years anyway)

enjoy the hunt, demo a lot, different amps, speakers, sources, etc etc.

 ok, need to crack another,
goodnight y'all !

happy hunting!!!!

 more power.
you will NEED the power for crescendos, and power chords during program music!
 dont get low power amps.

 ive been there, my speakers are only rated at i think 250W, and my amps are 650W @8Ohm- they sound amazing, effortless.
which is why im nervous about the Odyssey amps rated only at 200+ W @8 Ohm will be enough for my speakers.
With the high current, they will be just fine, as Klaus guarantees,  I have no doubt ill be happy.
The Odysseyswwill be driving a pair of heavily modded cerwin vega D-9's new crossovers, sealed mid. they will b  great
Thanks to further commenters. I'll research what you've added. It's clear that this should be a later consideration, and whatever I decide -- for whatever amount -- the tips about audio hygiene (e.g. how to separate things) seems enduring.

Some of you have settled into a final listening space, and have run the lines you need. As my system builds, I have a listening space in mind. But as we also draw up plans to renovate our basement, there may be future spaces for my gear. The renovation presents inexpensive opportunities to run dedicated lines from the get-go, and I'm glad to anticipate that with any architect we hire.

Still, in the meantime, I wanted to know if a simple appliance might serve, and it seems that there may be some question about that. Settling the amp, first, is the general (if not unanimous) consensus.
I've used a Panamax power conditioner/ surge protector for over 20 years. I've lived in houses with dedicated circuits and without for my system, have had different  components through the years but always had the panamax just got a new one last year. In all that time no matter where I  lived or if it was connected to a dedicated circuit I've never noticed any noise or hum in any components never noticed collapsed sound stages hooked to it or not, actually never really had any problems. Just my take on it of course I never ran 1.5kw mono amps where a 20a dedicated circuit might be worthwhile.