Sony HAP-ZIES HDD player is it only 16bit 320kbps native playback ?

Hello Friends

I need your help / advice.. My Sony HapZies HDD player when connected to external DACS (MYTEK Brooklyn Dac or Chord Dave) with usb cables WireWorld Platinum Silver or Audioquest Diamounds keep showing 16bit 320kbps on display.

Regardless of the source recording being encoded at 32 bit 384khz / 24 bit 192 the Dacs display always shows 16 bit 320kbps. When I play the same formats from PC to these DACS via the same cable it shows the true resolution of these formats.

So it leads me to believe that the Sony is playing out the digital material in its standard format 16bit 320kbps via usb into DACS.

This is a bummer to me really If it is down sampling all hi rez formats to a lower 16bit 320kbps and outputting the same via usb to DACS.

I also noticed when I switch on DSD encoding, the DACs still display 16bit 320kbps only. It makes no sense calling this unit a hi rez hdd player.

However I love the sound of the Sony hdd into these Dacs in contrast to my other esoteric players and even PC streaming. The Sony is very musical, not edgy or harsh with a full top to bottom 3D soundstage even at only 16bit 320kbps  streaming via USB to DACs.

Has anyone noticed the same. And is there anything I can do on the Sony itself  to stream native encoded formats via usb to connected DACs ? 
Hello djones51....Thank you for your reference to stereophiles wrtieup on this unit. Wow !! What a deeper insight on what this player is really capable and sounds like in the hands of professionals. Truly appreciated.  
Oh, one thing, USB handshaking/driver issues may prevent the streamer from recognizing the DAC.

Sadly, USB audio support is weird. It's not universal like S/PDIF.
Dear Friends... thank you very much for taking the time to help me resolve my streaming problems with my Sony HAPZIES.

Special thanks to Eric_Squires / Big_Greg / Mahler123 for pointing out with settings and tech specs on streaming formats.

And Eric_Squires you were spot on right about usb handshakiing protocol issues with different devices!!!

For eg when the Mytek Brooklyn Dac or CHORD DAVE is connected to PC,  the stream codes  shows as what it is. 16bit 320kbps / 24bit 192khz / 32bit 384khz / DsD / MQA etc. 

However when the MYTEK / CHORD is connected to the Sony directly it remains static with no display of variable  stream info. Just displays 16bit 320kbps.

On a whim I purchased a IFI ZEN Dac which has visual variable colors for different stream inputs. Also it uses the latest usb 3.1 type A to B cable. When I connected this usb cable to the Sony & IFI Zen Dac and played different formats, the colour indicator changed to the relevant format coming into it via usb from the Sony. For eg blue for Mp3 , Green for 16bit 320 upto 24bit 96khz or Voilet for 24 /32 bit 192khz. Turquoise for DSD streams. Sadly the Sony does not stream or plays MQA. Hence no indication on the IFI ZEN dac which is MQA capble. 

Conclusion : the Sony does play and stream all formats honestly in its native encoded formats. It does not use any shortcuts as I had assumed before this test. The reason why the Sony doesn't do the same with the Mytek / Chord I assume is because of the DACS using older USB 3.0 or even 2.0 versions of handshaking protocols that dont relate to the Sony well but works fine with PC's legacy protocols and hence the streams encoded data shows on display eventually. To conclude the SONY HAP ZIES HDD does what is built and configured for !! Missing out only on MQA .