Hi efficient speaker, bass problems

I know i'm going to take a severe tongue lashing for asking this question but . Is it me , whenever I hear low efficient speakers they don't seem to have a grip on the bass like less sensitive units ? The amount of bass is there , and some have good weight , and punch , but where is the control ?
Hi Mapman, Speakers and amps are both very subjective. I'm sure that one guy would tell you his amp sounds good on about anything and another guy would say, I've heard that amp and it sounds like crap, same with speakers.
I don't recall ever seeing 2 different systems being compared as even very close, much less exactly the same. I have seen reviews where 2 amps or preamps or even speakers were very close and shared characteristics. So, I'll take your last question as a statement and agree. If they sound different, each individual will have to prefer one over the other.
Unsound.. Glad to see someone hears what I do .
A friend and I were talking about this , since he has high sensitivity ( 94db ) speakers , so we are going to put it to the test , and see if my mid sized solid state amp ( Levinson #431 , 200wpc ) will grip the bass bins on his JBL Project K2s better than his great sounding Luxman MQ-88s ( 40wpc ) . Were going to lug my amp over there this week end . I'll post back in next week with the results of this simple test .... Have A Great Day... Tim
Most speakers I have heard that do bass well are not considered high efficiency.

I do not have enough experience with high end high efficiecy speakers to say.

I think I notice it with more common commercial and other horn designs I have heard but that may not be a fair comparison.

I suspect that high efficiency designs do bass best with different amps (tube amps?) than less efficient ones in general ( SS amps).

It seems to me that crossovers in lower efficiency speakers that do bass well have something to do with it but not sure why exactly.
It will take a multiple driver system to have 90+ db sensitivity and have good bass.

Hi Weseixas,
I'm not sure your last statement is entirely true. Maybe if you mean bass down to 20hz, but I have used a couple of different 15's that get you down to near 30hz that did a great job, with sensitivity ratings of 97 & 99.
Both were several years ago, it may be true today, but I'd be surprised that there are no good Hi Sensitivity drivers at all today.