Record Store Day postponed due to Corona Virus

"...the number of deaths in Italy are well on the way to surpassing that in China. Does that surprise you?"

Interest, not necessarily surprise. Chinese have been doing high-dose steroids on every ARDS while it is unclear what Italians do. That may, or may not, be a significant difference in mortality statistics.


What's a "record store"?

In many cases it is Best Buy and Barnes & Noble.

The two countries that are more or less out of control currently are Italy and Iran. This just in,

MARCH 14, 2020 / 10:32 AM / UPDATED 1 MINUTE AGO

Iran coronavirus death toll rises by nearly one hundred to 611 - State TV

DUBAI, March 14 (Reuters) - The death toll from coronavirus infections in Iran rose on Saturday to 611, state TV said, citing a health ministry official who put the total number of those diagnosed with the disease at 12,729.

Iran, one of the countries most affected by the pandemic outside China, reported on Friday a death toll of 514 and a total of 11,364 infections. (Reporting by Dubai Newsroom; Editing by Kirsten Donovan)

Right now there is a division size force (between 10 and 25 thosand men) send to Europe from Usa, for a military exercise.
In the same time, millions of people in Europe are advised to stay at home, because of fear of spreading virus
I guess all soldiers. after the exercise, will need to return home soon as well....
Any thoughts?