Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

If you look at the Cardas Audio website then Beyond Clear
you'll see 4 X 9.5 awg , the chassis wire is 1 of those (9 different guages)
without the 2 layers of shielding .
If you decide to try you'll need the following tools
wire stripper , crimping tool , solder pot , solder iron and heat gun .

I completed mine about 10 daysago and are now broken in.
I have found it hard not to express my enthusiasm over these 
since every day, every album I am enjoying them like hearing them for the first time , to me this was one of those changes that turned into 
a  "Hey Hey" & "Holy Cow" moment vs. just a "that sounds better" one .

The Parsec cable that you said you could afford 
uses 2 X 15.5 awg wires = 12 awg , the same as my first set of Quadlink,
As far as the match propagation ,
I'm sure there is something to it but how much ?  

For the cost it's definatly something to think about ,
especially with your required length .



Thanks for the additional info on the Cardas cables, but I'm still a little confused. Looking at the Cardas website and a 2019 Cardas catalog I have, it looks like the Parsec speaker cable is made of 4 X 15.5 AWG conductors in a star-quad arrangement rather than 2 X 15.5 AWG. Also, the Clear Beyond is listed as 8 X 10.5 in the catalog and 8 X 9.5 on the website. Not a big deal, I guess, but still confusing. Both sources make it clear that the chassis wire is Litz wire with individual strands coated with enamel. Did you have to deal with the enamel in any special way when you terminated the wires or does the solder take care of it?

 the Parsec is 4 , 2 for each polarity ( Quad link )
Go to Cardas look at the picture of the Parsec speaker cable ,
they show one side single ended , you'll see a twisted pair 
of wires going to a spade connector for each polarity ,
then look at the other end , 4 wires ( bi-wired ) that are straight 
or a single wire .
I can't explain the error in the catalog , 
Cardas uses 15.5 , 11.5 and 9.5 awg , but since your question 
I discovered that they a have 6.5 awg used in Clear only .

Call or e-mail Cardas ,
Start a forum question to see if anybody made a lateral move 
by going from Quadlink or Golden Reference 
to Parsec or Clear Reflection , the only difference being the 
patented Matched Propagation .

Yes there is a special way , that is why a solder pot is needed ,
check out Cardas video .

Contact Michael Percy Audio for cable and connectors ,
he might prepare the cable ends for you so you wouildn't have to 
purchase a solder pot and solder bar ( you can't use solder wire in it ) 

I'm sure this is boring others 
so you can e-mail me at


any Cable/Cord  discussion(s) are welcomed here! Have fun and keep us posted on progress.
Happy Listening!


Thank you 
You started a forum discission that has become one of the most informative and cerebral,  which I believe has and is appreciated by all
who have read and participated . 

With close to 8,000 posts and 155 pages of interaction I've seen many manufactured speaker cables mentioned as being compatable with and liked  by Thiel owners owners .
So my getting to detailed, focused or opinionated  about one cable manufacture might not be appreciated
by most on a  "Thiel Speaker " forum. 
