Fairly new to streaming. Where to start?

$2k & under budget

Aralic Vega has streamer  and DAC. May be the easiest start?
Then there is Schiit...Yiggy or Gumby...which streamer?
Ladder NOS dac? Or Chip? I'm old. maybe I'll like the old school DAC?
Then there is  Benchmark DAC 3...I think it has streamer?
Exasound E32
Audio Mirror?
MHDT Orchid
Border Patrol?
Musical Paradise?
Whats a newbie to do? I am a classic rock fan with lots of FLAC & M4a files. I like detail & PRaT. Love a good bass line. I also play some 70's jazz. I have a Theta Miles CD player from the 1900's & play a lot of vinyl too. But I need to come into the 21st century.  Besides, I will probably become tired of the vinyl ritual and work at some point as I get older. I think I have done enough homework to be somewhat confused. Maybe the biggest question in light of how fast digital changes is the question of streamer with DAC or separate Streamer and DAC. One other question is the streamer & bridge the same thing? OK Thanks!! 

Don’t stress too much about the interface or feel overwhelmed by so many options. Pick up Bluesound, get acclimated with streaming and app (use a iPad for best experience and ease) and continue to explore DAC options.

For the price of Node 2i, look at this listing, you get CD ripping capability as a bonus.


If you want to hook up your CDP into a DAC then you would need to pick up a DAC with at least two COAX Inputs

Why so? Can’t I use the coax for CDP and USB ior another input for streamer?

For the price of Node 2i, look at this listing, you get CD ripping capability as a bonus.
Is that easier than ripping on computer. BTW I don’t have Ipad. I do have android phone though. That will work for interface though won’t it?

BTW Thanks

+1 for Innuos Zen Mini!
I have the Zen MK 3 and couldn’t be happier the ability to also rip CD’s to FLAC files is a plus.
“If you want to hook up your CDP into a DAC then you would need to pick up a DAC with at least two COAX Inputs

Why so? Can’t I use the coax for CDP and USB ior another input for streamer?”


Yes, you can provided streamer has USB output. The Node 2i or Vault 2 has no USB output. So you’re stuck with using its Coax or Optilink output to a external DAC.
If you pickup a Aurender, Lumin or Innuos streamer without the internal DAC, then you have an option to use USB output to a external DAC.

Vault 2 offers easy ripping. I use my Vault 2 for CD ripping only. And yes, you can use Android phone but a tablet makes it so much easier to browse / navigate. 

Yes simple is good at times and I have been down that road.
Then I desired flexible, well you know how that goes, wholesale equipment changes.

IMHO the Bluos app is very easy to use and navigate, the Aurender Conductor app is also pretty intuitive.
Cannot comment on Lumin but I really did not like the Auralic Lightning app very much.