sodium / tungsten / magnesium, aluminum, wire?

I've been checking out wire,

Could Agoners chime in on any experiences with these wires. I'm reading some
rather EYE opening things about types of wire and their, conductive, and
resistive properties. (not sure that's worded correctly). 

Sodium and magnesium in particular.
I've read along with other the benefits of Tungsten when incorporated correctly in speaker cable builds.
(that project is underway currently)
I'm wondering AGAIN, with certain dielectric combinations if there is something MORE, on the table.
Sodium wire?
Magnesium wire??

Post removed 
If you’re pretending to be dense you’re doing an excellent job. Of course the outcome sound generated by the speakers has a lot to do with the signal carried in the wires, all the wires, from the power cord to the fuse, to digital cable, to interconnects to speaker cables. To argue otherwise would be pretty ridiculous. And very out of touch. By the way, I never said scientists become stupid when discussing audio or that the laws of physics are different for audio. That’s what we call an illogical argument, I.e., the opposite of a valid argument.
Medical ultrasound, seismology, materials research, military target identification ...all use sound. 

I don't think of it often, but "SOUND", on one hand calms the savage beast, in another forms, drives me to become one.  I've seen sound bring people right to the ground. A feeling of vertigo, vision, sickness, DEATH.
Sound is powerful, I think there is a lot of data, that for the public's safety is kinda, sorta, covered up.  I personally wouldn't enter my sound room without double ear protection if something really got turned up. I don't think you could get to the controls quick enough, even with noise canceling protection. In the "CHAMBER" as the kids call it.  You can not BREATH PROPERLY, your heart will go nuts.  I've had to shut down a breaker, OUTSIDE the room. "KIDS" That type of sound pressure make for NO PEST of any kind, including thiefs. There are NO BUGS in that room, they just aren't there..  I got there with copper, COPPER, good ol' copper nothing fancy, huge copper welding cable. Broke glass on a few occasions, hypersonic glass breaking isn't as easy as you think, subsonic, thats easy...

So, there is a lot on the table, I'm sure, I wonder if I shi? in an empty toilet paper roll and stuck two wires in the end and sealed it. What kind of sound would come through? Pretty fart smeller, ay??? Wouldn't suck, but would probably stink.  I just don't know.. LOL

Cesium, Gallium and Mercury are the only metals without a natural crystal structure. LEAD has a crystal structure. Good bye. One member here makes cables with a gallium alloy. There is a class of manufactured metals without crystals, but they are too brittle for cables.

How friggin' cool is that??? Now I gotta hunt some of that stuff up..
tungsten is on the way, 99.9 pure, Silk cover ONLY.

I'm already fixing valve amps behind my little venture.. cable pulled out,
One MC275, and one VTL, POOF!!, I hope I did't screw up a signal transformer...

You know something, there is a real problem here. Someone keeps deleting my post. Real friggn' jerk who ever it is.. This is an open forum right???STOP DELETING POST...You don't like the answer, don't ask the question...

Ok got nickle/silver, silver, and white/gold, .011 SC wire, still waiting on the tungsten. This virus is effecting everything...

Actually found a copper silver clad wire that actually sounds GOOD it is a balanced XLR. Very nice, trimmed the bass a tad no change in the mids and the highs didn't sizzle.  Cotton teflon wrap.. ZERO noise around PC
I have a place where PC and IC, get within a few inches.. I hear it when it gets moved for sure...
