Hi efficient speaker, bass problems

I know i'm going to take a severe tongue lashing for asking this question but . Is it me , whenever I hear low efficient speakers they don't seem to have a grip on the bass like less sensitive units ? The amount of bass is there , and some have good weight , and punch , but where is the control ?
The BC ref1000m monoblocks I use have damping factor spec of 1000 I believe.

I use them with Dynaudio monitors and OHM Walsh speakers.

The OHMs in particular have a reputation as benefiting from high damping so this is something I sought specifically.

The bass is the most articulate and rewarding over-all I have ever had with both.

Damping is a useful spec to consider when attempting to match speakers to amp for best results.

Some speakers may benefit from high damping and others not, either by accident or design.
Hi Guys,
A question for a couple of you hard core amp guru's. I have and have seen you guys here mainly discussing Damping factor. In the past, I have also looked at how an amplifier slew's. Is this no longer a factor in todays amplifier designs? Slew rate/Input/Output?
Certainly it is! The slew rate (or risetime) is a measure of how fast the amplifier can respond to a signal. The quicker it responds, the more likely the signal will be processed by the emotional centers of the brain (limbic system) rather than the cerebral cortex. This is where toe-tapping comes from.

Mapman, a damping factor of 1000... well let's put it this way- you won't hear the difference between that and an amplifier with a DF of 50, all other things being equal (which, it seems, they never are...). Its my guess that there are other things that are making that work for you.

It was certainly the case for me that an Atma-sphere S-30 gave me much improved bass over the solid state amp (Pass Aleph 30) I had previously, which had a much higher damping factor. With my 96 dB efficient drivers in a ported box, the Aleph overdamped my bass. -Roscoeiii

Roscoeiii, Are you saying the S30 had more bass or improved Bass?

The vented box will need an amp with good bass control to sound proper, especially after roll off.

I cannot see the bass from tubes having more control, well actually never heard that before, i know yours are OTL's and most tubes are not , but your amplifiers do have a high output impedance, based on such i would prefer to run your amplifier with 16 ohm bass speakers, which will half your output power, but allow better control and less distortion due to impedance mis-match.

A question , any reason why 6LQ6 tubes are no longer being used today..

Both more and improved bass from the Atma-sphere. My speakers's bass has sounded best from the Atma-sphere S-30 and the FirstWatt F1 and F2. Didn't have the chance to directly compare the S-30 and the FirstWatts, but what they all have in common is a low damping factor.