Cartridge recommendation for classical listening

I have a wonderful sounding Grado Reference Sonata cartridge which I love.  The only problem is, for many years, I have had a hum problem which I have investigated extensively but never found a solution for.  I know Grados can have this defect, and the extensively modified Rega P3 turntable I use can contribute to the problem
So,  I’m ready to give up and go with another brand of cartridge.
I listen almost exclusively to Classical music.  Can anyone suggest a cartridge under $1000 that sounds good for classical?
Here is what you like:
Grado Reference Sonata1 Phono Cartridge Specifications:

- Type: Moving Iron
- Output voltage: 5mV
- Frequency response: 10Hz - 60kHz
- Load impedance: 47k ohms
- Channel separation: 40dB
- Stylus type: Nude elliptical
- Stylus replacement: Factory replaceable
- Mounting: 1/2 inch
- Compliance: 20mm/N
- Tracking force: .075 - 2.0 g
- Recommended tracking force: 1.5 g
- Weight: 6.5 g

You could try another Induced magnet (IM) cartridge, but without that notorious Grado HUM problem, for example the ADC TRX II with Sapphire cantilever and much better Vital III stylus tip. This is a high compliance cartridge. Look for NOS samples, actually with your budget withing $1k you could buy two great MM or MI cartridges. 

I have Grado XTZ myself and many other cartridges in my collection are more refined than Grado signature XTZ. 

I believe for a classical music you need a high-ish compliance cartridge with high resolution guaranteed by refined stylus profile and very low moving mass. 

I could highly recommend Grace LEVEL II Ruby if you want something serious. There are more great profiles for LEVEL II model including MicroRidge / Boron.

Grace moving magnet cartridges are very nice! 

Remember those superb vintage MM/MI that can easily pass a test (  cannon shots ) on Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture (Telarc LP) ?? Only exceptional cartridges can stay in the groove while playing those Cannon Shots, suspension of the cartridge must be very well designed. 

If you want to stay with mid compliance then Victor X-1II (MM) series is something special too.  


@rvpiano    test    
There is nothing wrong with the Rega Exact 2 that I run on my Rega RP6.There is a a lot to be said for the 3 hole mounting system , esp. as one’s eyes and hands grow less reliable . I bought it already mounted on the
R- 303 arm by Rega . I have a lot of mounting gear and it was spot on .

It is a very high-out cartridge and will take your volume knob down a bit ,which is no problem . Very good on Piano and Chamber Music esp. Piano . Good on symphonic esp . on mass strings . Adequate on stage.
600 $ .

I also have a Pioneer Direct Drive because I love to play around with carts and I keep around 5-6 Sumiko mounted head shells to play around with .
The Cartridge that blows the others away on that 600 $ TT is the Nagoka MP-200, just plain no faults, though not quite as transparent as my other favorite the Goldring 1042 which is outstanding in instrumental seperation and detail but tricky to mount .Both of these sell around 450 $ .
Other one I have heard a lot with classical on a friend’s 1500$ Pro-ject with a nice arm is the SoundSmith Carmen which at 999$ is very airy and lyrical , an listen to all day rig .Plus they are close to you and retip their carts at reasonable cost. I think they have a 30 day trial , but they answer the phone on that .

Because systems in general, and TT’s in particular , are so different I seldom make cartridge recommen’s anymore .But I’ll make you a deal on either the Nagoka MP-250 or the Goldring 1042 . Don’t like one , I’ll buy it for 400$ shipped .
As I said , I’ve never heard them on Rega arms.

Stay home, we need you !

rv , looking at the Conrad -Johnson  ,  The Rega-Exact 2 is made for that !
Only draw back is it has a solid body and can not be re-tipped .But , it seems to be quite long lasting . Rega knows what they are doing !