Hi, need help with Snell Type a iii

Hey guys looking for help with my new acquisition. Just got some mint Snell Type A iii and did a test last night and they are incredible but I feel the bass is a little thick and slow. I'm hoping it is my amp since it is supposed to be a power hungry speaker. I running em with a mccormack dna 0.5 deluxe biwired, is it enough? or could it be that the woofers have new surrounds (done by Miller sound), and could need a break in period? lastly they are placed about a foot off the rear wall and around 4 feet off the sides. thanks for any help
Yeah the crossover cap upgrade i'm a little nervous about. I have heard both arguments here on the site, Yes do it because the new caps are so much better and no don't because of the famed Peter Snell's way of building the crossover and dialing it in on his lap while listening on the master set. I would like to do it but I don't want to F anything up. Thoughts?

I have a very large bass trap (5 feet high 18 inch deep triangle of 6# rockwool) in each corner just behind each speaker. Possibly this may be helping, but I really haven't noticed any issues with bass. I did notice it tighten up when I set the speakers on the slate slabs. I really should get off my..hindend and get the AIII woofers done. The AIII(12 inch woofer and extra tweeter in the rear) is a fair step up from the AII (10 inch woofer, no rear tweeter). From what I've read, the AIII is the best of the bunch. I just have very little time to work on such things.

And no such luck on the bubbagump boat..as I remember Gump cashed in on his shrimp boat business..I'm sort of on the other end of the stick where the fisn I catch nets out at 20-50 $/#..given the cost of a fishing trip these days.

I've heard/read the same issues with not messing up what Peter assembled. I'm not an electronic guy by any means, but if I did anything I'd do a one-for-one replacement with the caps & resistors..and probably leave other parts alone. Been a while since I thought about this, but wasn't Peter's tuning done on an inductor?? I think it's "Carl's Speakers..?" that has done work on the crossovers with some success. I looked him up:


Barfbag,(sorry I called you Fishboat)
I'm thinking that you can chose high quality caps of the same values and have the same results (with greater resolution, textures, air and space). The method Peter was using, was to dial in different values while listening, nothing more than that as I understand it. He was always employing, as I remember first order crossovers.
Jim Thiel, an old friend and mentor of mine, used to rave about HIS friend Peter and his designs. He was truly a legend.
I'd be comfortable in changing the crossover, just be sure to use caps that you have confidence in, like Auricaps, which I used in the LSA Sig and Statements. Or, better yet, if the budget allows, use Mundorf.
Silver solder would be in order too...others may have better ideas, but this should be reasonably good advice.

Hey Thanks Larry, It's nice of you to take the time with your advice. Actually before I get to the crossover upgrade. I need to solve my power problem. I really would like to add a tube amp for just the mids/highs and keep my Mccormack for the low end, but i really don't want to get into external crossovers. Any advice on that? Thanks again
You're in to needing an external, adjustable crossover, when selecting different amps. The output sensitivity will invariably be different, creating too much mid/too little bass, and so on.
Externals are NOT a bad thing. This gives you ultimate control.
If you want to discuss...just write me at lrsky@insightbb.com
