Bass at your ears? (Bass imaging)

This song 'James Blake - Limit to your love' has this weird bass that kicks in at about 1:00 into it. Now I have heard this song on a few speakers and it sounded great but when I heard it on the magico m2 I could literally hear the bass right at my ears as if I was wearing heapdhones. It was such a strange sensation. Is this indicative of the m2s incredible imaging capability or is this something else? This was in an irregularly shaped room with a big hallway to one side and hardly any treatment.
The last two posts are part of my point that I made. Most systems, frankly, are not that great. We think our rig and most we have heard are wonderful, but in truth they often lack significantly. Low end lack of resolution is common. When you hear a rig/speakers that can do extreme resolution in LF it is striking. It’s also very obvious to the ear.

Regarding many genres which are ridiculed and said to be not good sounding, again, the majority of audio systems even of audiophiles are woefully inadequate to the task. Anyone with smaller than 10" woofers is basically not on the playing field. It's not only a matter of woofer size, but of amps, cabling, etc. I estimate that 80% plus of systems in the home can't do such music well, or at least what I would call doing it well. Some of these people try such music and because it doesn't sound good/clean they mock the music, all the while having systems that can’t even reproduce it well. Part of the weirdness of audiophilia.

I don’t even care for many of these genres of music, but I will use them occasionally to calibrate/test systems. If the system can do such music well, then typically it will do all music well/better. YMMV
Hey Doug, I was thinking it was getting to be time for your routine spanking for us not spending enough money on gear.
jetter, I do not believe that I have posted any comment in 13 years where I berated a member here for a budget system. I have habitually complemented beginners and lower budget system owners in the Virtual Systems area for what I consider wise selection of systems. 

Hey doug, you are probably right.  In this home confinement thing I have taken to a bit of excess of Jim Beam.  I would have loved to hear your various and varied rigs, can't even imagine.