Bass at your ears? (Bass imaging)

This song 'James Blake - Limit to your love' has this weird bass that kicks in at about 1:00 into it. Now I have heard this song on a few speakers and it sounded great but when I heard it on the magico m2 I could literally hear the bass right at my ears as if I was wearing heapdhones. It was such a strange sensation. Is this indicative of the m2s incredible imaging capability or is this something else? This was in an irregularly shaped room with a big hallway to one side and hardly any treatment.
Hey Doug, I was thinking it was getting to be time for your routine spanking for us not spending enough money on gear.
jetter, I do not believe that I have posted any comment in 13 years where I berated a member here for a budget system. I have habitually complemented beginners and lower budget system owners in the Virtual Systems area for what I consider wise selection of systems. 

Hey doug, you are probably right.  In this home confinement thing I have taken to a bit of excess of Jim Beam.  I would have loved to hear your various and varied rigs, can't even imagine.
I listened to that song with my Harbeth P3ESR's and thought I might lose an eardrum or two.