Do audiophiles have a high divorce rate?

Somebody told me yesterday that a study that looked at personality traits of people who got divorced found that people who were picky and difficult to satisfy were over-represented in the divorce population.

That got me thinking: picky and difficult to satisfy -- that doesn't sound like any of us, does it?

From your observations, do you think that audiophiles might have a higher divorce rate than the general population because of certain personality characteristics?

Just hoping my hypothesis is wrong.

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Celebrating 45 years of marriage in May. My wife loves her pop music and keeps up with the latest musicians. I do not. Although I really like the new Nadia Reid LP Out Of My Province.
 Our musical tastes differ completely. She now takes photos of my equipment rack to make sure nothing new arrives. LOL.
 Have always had a good stereo, she puts up with me.
We are going on 40 years, I enjoy listening on my high-end system in the "man cave", my wife enjoys Spotify on her iPad in the living room, kitchen and garden, and I'm good with that!
I would guess perhaps a bit higher , enough have enough cash to interest women from the half for me and 5k a month for the kid brigade .
In two week, my wife and I will have been married for 19 years. All of my audiophile friends have been married for a long time. The only ones not married are unfortunately widowers. A lot of my friends have gotten divorces over the years, just none of the audiophiles.