Axe to grind know it alls

Recently I have noticed that there are people who apparently enjoy having controversial posts. One in particular stands out. I have no problem with people expressing different opinions but are they doing this just to get attention? They don’t care what the responders to their posts have to say as only their opinion is the correct one and everyone else is wrong unless they agree with the op which is rare.

I have always looked at the Audiogon forums as a resource to get information and exchange ideas . When the post is a one way street, I think it does little if anything to contribute to the forums so going forward I will just ignore their posts.  Anyone else irritated by these posers?
@big_greg You hit the nail squarely on the head.
Yes, there are people that are so insecure that getting attention on an internet forum is a balm to their fragile egos. They are like little children that misbehave because they want/need attention. No matter whether it’s "positive" or "negative" attention, as long as someone is paying attention to them, they feel a little better about themselves.I find the best course of action is to identify and ignore these people. It’s a phenomenon that occurs on many forums.

@ishkabibi Now that I have read Noble100s response to your thread I have to admit that it is pretty out of line. Immediately above he basically describes himself as liking "little creative things" which is pretty ironic coming from someone who spent the last year posting his long winded spiel about distributed bass arrays a thousand times. And before that it was the repetitive class D amps thingy. My understanding of the word "creative" is not that.

Fortunately it could be worse, he could post a link to his system with every post as an example of perfection.
I tend not to agree with the approach of just ignoring trolling or other inconveniences and pettiness we all find ourselves confronted with at various times during our lives.
In "real life" I'm not bashful about shining a spotlight on inappropriate behavior and appreciate it when friends or even strangers make me aware of boorish behavior I've engaged in.  This is how we grow as human beings.

This assumes that someone has the moral compass to look inward and make changes when appropriate.  At the end of the day we all have our own values and I can't tell you what's "appropriate" anymore than you can tell me what's "appropriate".  

It's a different game on the internet, and in my experience a waste of time to engage with trolls.  Good luck though.
Tim, I don't think you realize what you wrote was mean.  Enough so that the person has carried it around until now.

     Mean to  ishkabibi?  How was that mean, I meant it humorously?  Do you know him and he told you this?
