Looking for speakers

I am looking for a set of speakers. I want someting with good presence that also has a good bottom end. I will be using them mainly for music but once in a while for HT. I am considering Zu Soul Superfly, Accoustic Zen Adagio, or maybe something from Harbeth. I am open to any suggestions. My room is 15 x 25. I listen to mostly accoustic, female vocals, and jazz. Where I live there are not any high end audio stores so I can not audition anything. Any input would be helpful.
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If you are considering the Superflu you may want to look at the Omen Defs as well. I have the standard Omens and they play pretty large, I imagine the Defs would fill your room nicely.
But of course there are many options for you, but Zu's 60-day return might make it easier for you.
I bought for $3k 6-month old dealer demo Hyperion HPS-938, amazing speaker. Same room size with tall (cathedral) ceiling. Read reviews at hyperionsound.com
I also own Adagios in a 14 x 25 room, and they sound absolutely terrific, especially with jazz and classical.
Under radar for now, Daber Audio speakers, the Monitors 3's at least will need stands of some type. I switch these out with VSA 4Jr's, they are that good.

Will you be using a sub even if you do not employ surround sound?