Looking for speakers

I am looking for a set of speakers. I want someting with good presence that also has a good bottom end. I will be using them mainly for music but once in a while for HT. I am considering Zu Soul Superfly, Accoustic Zen Adagio, or maybe something from Harbeth. I am open to any suggestions. My room is 15 x 25. I listen to mostly accoustic, female vocals, and jazz. Where I live there are not any high end audio stores so I can not audition anything. Any input would be helpful.
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In your price range, Gallo Reference 3.1 or my completely renovated by Regnar Dahlquist DQ10's.
If you are considering the Superflu you may want to look at the Omen Defs as well. I have the standard Omens and they play pretty large, I imagine the Defs would fill your room nicely.
But of course there are many options for you, but Zu's 60-day return might make it easier for you.
I bought for $3k 6-month old dealer demo Hyperion HPS-938, amazing speaker. Same room size with tall (cathedral) ceiling. Read reviews at hyperionsound.com
I also own Adagios in a 14 x 25 room, and they sound absolutely terrific, especially with jazz and classical.