How I spent my time at home

I’m in New York and do not work in an industry defined as essential so I’m working from home. This sound system of mine is seriously interfering with my ability to get work done at home. Too distracting. In any event, I’m listening a lot now, which isn’t a bad thing. 
Taken the time as well to fiddle with things-

1- made sure my equipment racks were level, particularly the one that has my turntable on it 

2- rearranged gear/ pretty much just because

3- surprised- I found almost all the locking nuts on the spiked feet of my stands were loose so all got tightened

4- checked VTF (no gremlins came in over time to mess up my VTF)

5- fiddled with usb output Settings on my MacBook Pro 

6- tried to straighten out the mess of wiring behind my gear. No success- still a mess, just a different mess

7- discovered a dial bulb is out on an old Marantz tuner so I need to find a bulb- GE #55; do I go original style, LED, do I replace the burned out one or as long as I’m in there, all of them? Decisions! Turns out I have a bunch of GE #47’s at home, but no spare #55’s. 

I am open to suggestions for more stuff to tinker with
Thank you @zavato
You just reminded exactly why I am trying to keep from working at home! 😕
Our Gov. in MI basically put the kibosh on most work Monday, even though neighboring IN and OH have much less restrictive Executive Orders.
I feel for you folks in NY and send best wishes that you get over the worst sooner rather than later.

If that is a picture of your wife, I'm not sure how you get anything done at home
Why yes, of course, that’s my wife! 

Actually, it’s a photo of Pattie Boyd, George Harrison’s first wife. 
Actually, it’s a photo of Pattie Boyd, George Harrison’s first wife.

And the inspiration for Clapton's "Layla".  ;-)

@boxer12, I was thinking the exact same thing:  “Hello my dear . . Stereo? What stereo?

I am retired and apparently much less ambitious than your average Audiogonian.  I am fairly satisfied with a bit of music, my favorite beverage and checking out old emails and assorted forums.

Here in Ohio, the Governor didn’t implement the stay-at-home order until midnight early Tuesday.  Monday, I picked up a Fisher fm-660 tuner that the guy gave to me for free because the stereo light wasn’t coming on — stayed in mono.  Lacking contact cleaner spray, I did the best I could to clean the switch with a Q-tip and isopropyl alcohol.  That helped but it is still not working each time. I will try again when I get spray contact cleaner.   I don’t listen to radio much except in the car, so I didn’t want to put much money into this.

Wednesday is grocery shopping day, in search of toilet paper, water, a few food items and medication.  The thrill of my day.