Can speakers sound worse during break-in period?

I purchased a NOS pr of speakers ( I’m not disclosing their name. Not interested in hearing from their haters) and was really liking them before I started to seriously break them in. It seems like after 24 hours they seem to have changed and sound worse, or not as good as they did. Are they just going through changes with some drivers opening up faster than the others? I know there are many components involved in this process and some might be a head of the others. I’m assuming that’s the case and when everything comes together they will sing.
Always the contrarian.Go measure your fictitious speakers, or get some new hearing
My personal experience is that capacitors can do this more than drivers.

Usually drivers (woofers) get better bass over time, they all go in the same direction.  They don't get worse, and then better, but caps do all sorts of funky things. If you are hearing imaging or harshness issues, that's your answer, but 4 days of playing music is more than enough.
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