New Thread on Steve Hoffman website that says Audiogon sucks

The funny thing is I feel the say way about the Hoffman site. I think it sucks!
@peterm 13, you might not agree with the way it's run but surely you wouldn't disagree with the fact it's an absolute goldmine of information, would you?

Audio is largely a matter of taste.

(I believe that mass suggestibility figures in, too, driving things like expensive cables, fads in DAC design, and schemes like HDCD and MQA, but that’s just my opinion.)

Statements that "this sucks" or "that sucks" belong on a third-grade playground, if they belong anywhere.

Statements like "tubes are better than solid state" or the reverse; or "DAC chip X stomps chip Y" reach only the level of the fourth grade.

There are many ways to get great sound. I’ve heard expensive (and cheap) systems that have been distressing, and cheap (and expensive) systems that sound great.

This is a shared hobby . . . we should start by showing respect for one another and for the subjective nature of the purported objective: enjoyment of music.

A lot of "snobbery" on this and Steve Hoffman forums.  I still enjoy both but have learned to take comments on both with a grain of salt.  Trust your ears.

Snobbery often seems to go hand in hand with feelings of superiority and exclusivity, doesn’t it? Yes, in the end you should always trust your own ears / heart.

I thought it was a great idea when the SHF introduced the condition that all posters had to reveal what their systems comprised of in order for sone perspective from where they were coming from.

Some would have liked to have gone further and seen published results of hearing tests. SH always maintained he had taken great care of his hearing and if I remember correctly used quite a few Audio Note components in his main system.

I hope Steve is doing ok.
The Steve Hoffman Forum is harmless when most of the people are discussing things in the audio field.  When Hoffman loves to carve off members is his "OFF TOPIC" section of the forum.  One of the Threads was Covid 19 and Hoffman and this character Jerry who is a pawn of Hoffman cleans house on members that have anything constructive to say except I'm in the line to get my vaccination.  If for any reason you don't choose to take a Covid Vaccination, you are banned.  In the event you offer reasonable and informative information from any doctor, doctors who are the very best in their fields, I have seen the Gorts accuse people of being Conspiracy theorists and spreaders of misinformation and banned.  They ban people right and left, most of the time is this power hungry quack Jerry, you need to watch out for him, he has no business being a Gort for Hoffman, why he keeps him I don't know.  I spoke on the phone with several members that have told me this Jerry is just always a problem.

He got in trouble the other evening, harassing a member about saying when a Gay Thread would end, and from what I was told this member was given that information from another Gort on Hoffman's site, this probably did not set well with Gort Jerry.  I have been told he trolls the site for people he can ban, anyone who says anything about choice getting a vaccination, he calls an anti-vaxxer and they are banned.  

You see, Hoffman uses these weak mind people to do his bidding, this Jerry is just one of the out of hand Gorts, and as long as he keeps the Forum cleansed of moderate people in a political sense, he is a happy camper as Hoffman moderates all conservative views and speech out of his forum, it's far left and he tries his best to keep it as far left as possible.  

The entire forum needs to be closed, it's nothing more than a Democratic stronghold with no latitude given to Republican views at all, none, it needs to be shut down, as it's just not a free speech site in the least.