Adding Sub to current system

I currently have a pair of Sonus Faber Electa speakers. These speakers have 6" and 1" drivers respectively and have a 1st order crossover. The popular magazine test disk demonstrate the speakers go down to about 40HZ. I'm interested in what I'm missing below 40HZ besides just a non-musical "BOOM". I know for a price musical Sub's are available, but would it be an exercise in futility trying to integrate a Sub into my system? The spot I would choose for it would be to the left of my speakers in a corner - your thoughts please!
Hi Rpg,
it might sound silly, but I look at Craigslist everyday. Occasionally I see some incredible buys. Also,
HSU has some very decent woofers. One brand new 15 that will cost around $1000.00 delivered. The Rel's are really quite good, but I'm a believer that with some trial and error that you will get a good experience with several different woofers if you do your homework and take your time with setup.
I scored a REL Q150E on ebay for $200 last year...all it needed was new grill cloth...and it works perfectly. If you can't dial in a proper sound by moving it around, adjusting phase, level, and crossover points I'd be surprised. Also note that although I leave mine alone a lot, sometimes I need to adjust the level a I stuck a "chicken head" knob on it so I can tell where the knob is by feel without moving it.
Rpg writes:
>I currently have a pair of Sonus Faber Electa speakers. These speakers have 6" and 1" drivers respectively and have a 1st order crossover. The popular magazine test disk demonstrate the speakers go down to about 40HZ.

A 6" driver can only provide clean output on acoustic music at subjectively realistic levels down to about 120Hz.

If you don't want your mid-range mucked up from IM distortion and fuzzy bass, you need to remove the high frequencies from the driver which means an electrical high-pass filter on the main speakers.

That rules out the RELs where the main speaker signal is unmodified and sub-woofer low-pass set to where they meet.
Place the sub out in the almost middle of the room as close to your listening position. It will blend right in with the monitors . In my setup it sounds as if the speakers are actually producing the bass . It is amazing .Also set the crossover very low say 30 and only turn up a few clicks on the dial. Please try this and you will be a happy camper !