Power Conditioners---old electrics in my house.

I have been using my trusted Equitech Model Q for the majority of items in my system-----primarily tube amps, pre amps (phono and primary) etc--

In need of some auxiliary pieces for cable input, video input, modem, etc-----have been using inexpensive 
strips, but feel the need to upgrade protection and any possible degradation of signal.

Noise elimination is essential-----seeking to protect signals and avoid degradation of sound.

Have run out of inputs on Equitech.

Thoughts?  One of the Audience products--Forte V 8 has been suggested--but it does not have surge or overload protection--odd.  A number of products on the market.

Suggestions?   I am space limited, so looking for best products in a minimal package.
Blues....I installed an Audioquest Powerquest 2 for the same reasons you described. It's worked out well so far and I didn't spend a ton of money.
When people say "worked out well" what does that mean?  That you feel more protected?  Survived a strong thunderstorm or a power surge?  

I think what we're all interested in here is "does it change the sound for better or worse?"  Does it bleach the sound?  

Many who own the PS Audio Regenerators claim a much more positive effect on the sound than a conditioner that many argue bleaches the sound.
I just got a Audioquest Niagara 1200 and it works as advertised. Much quieter background from lower noise floor. Allows me to really appreciate the gear I have compared to before, and I really like them before I got the Niagara 1200.

I just didn't know what AC nasties were on the line until they were gone. It's a much richer experience. More convincingly alive, bordering on the seductive. No diminution of soundstage or loss of dynamics. No favoring of one part of the frequency over another. Filtration is done equally across all octaves, not just some.

After hearing it, I only wish I could afford the Niagara 3000.

All the best,
I have balanced power, a wall unit plus BPT unit. Really good but not what you're looking for.
What's Best Forum, My Clean Power Adventures by tMallen. Long but well written and concludes with a solution you may find attractive.