I know this is a little dated information, I’ve had the original A21, ICEpower amplifiers at the same time, which I’ve seen in at least some PS Audio amps.
I could literally not hear a difference, so I sold the A21.
However, I finally swapped those out for a Luxman integrated, which bested both of them. :)
I did by the way like both the Parasound and the ICEpower amps. Nothing wrong with them at all, they sound punchy and quiet and warm. Just not as good as the Luxman.
I could literally not hear a difference, so I sold the A21.
However, I finally swapped those out for a Luxman integrated, which bested both of them. :)
I did by the way like both the Parasound and the ICEpower amps. Nothing wrong with them at all, they sound punchy and quiet and warm. Just not as good as the Luxman.