Demo'ing Class A amps, Appreciation Suggestions from those who recently been there

I recently sold my Cary S120MKll Amp in 2 days. It was 60wpc triode.
Filling in with Pass Lab, baby DIY Class A Mono blocks. Maxing at 7 wpc.
My speakers are rated 94 Sensitivity older FSMs by Tannoy.

I have sampled so far in order of preference:

-Pass Labs XA25 -Disneyland color the way I like it. $4,900 new
-Leben 300 Int. 12 wpc. EL 84s by Golden Lion-Like an Upscale call girl. Seductive. $4,000 new-Not in the running-

-Lejonklou Boazu Int.-40wpc S.S. Class a/b-Totally Pure. Almost hurts to hear a guitar slide. $4,000 new
-Sugden Masterclass IA 4 Class A to 33wpc. Very smooth but surprisingly not a great match with my Tannoys. $6,000?

What else would you think might be worth a listen?
I want to go Solid State this time. I enjoy the Class A resolution.
Yes the Leben is an outlier someone offered and I said "Sure"! Done with hum otherwise.

I listen from a low of 60 db to high of 75 db.
Room is irregular and medium sized in terms of cubic
feet. Treated as needed.

I want an amp that is satisfying enough to keep for the long run.
Someday I may add the others for a different sound or with less efficient planars, etc.

Price range $5k max.
Used preferred.
Willing to wait.

Brands I am have not heard but read positive comments about:
Ayre, Naim, Linn

Thank you all in advance for your thoughts.
Please do not feel compelled to respond if you
have not been here in the last few years.

Well I think you will still have the mini blast furnace affect with the class A XA25.

That's the thing about class A. People have often commented about the heat they think our amps make, but compared to a true class A solid state amp of the same power, the heat is almost identical. The class of operation makes far more difference than whether the amp is tube or solid state!

But, if you want linearity in the output section, class A is the way to go no ifs ands or buts. High end audio is all about getting the recording to play back as if the music is *real*; hence class A amplifiers.
Since you are open to used, have you considered older generations of Pass amps?
I have read that each generation does sound a somewhat different.
I have an original Aleph 3, and it is so sweet.

chorus OP15 posts04-01-2020 12:15am

I had Golden Lion KT88s.
The Leben 300 I just demoed was a step up from the Cary.
I am most likely going with the Pass Int25. No tubes anywhere.
The whole point I am making is the Pass House Sound
is better than ANYTHING I have tried to date.
And by a significant margin.
I am open to being persuaded but please before suggesting anything, please have heard the Pass 25 Amp or Int.
and then tell me what you liked better. Thanks

Not into persuading in this case - now reading back over your initial requirements and referring back to a $5k used budget, but can tell you hands down, if your only reference was a CAD-120S with KT88s, there is a lot more ground to cover and that’s one of my least favorite amps in the whole lineup, of all amps made by Cary Audio. That’s a different beast, less about finesse IMHO.

Live in Pass Land since the early 70s. Was a SS guy for 40+ years.  Started at the same speaker factory too. Heard most of the important amps, way back to modded Threshold, .5 and .8 Pass amps again recently, and now FW forward. Honestly, it just comes down to what sounds best with your speakers for your ears - only you will know that. If you are convinced about SS, it’s a moot point. Of the lot, like the lower power XA-25 as you already noted. Yes, that Leben is neat too. Good choice for SS with the XA-25 amp with a good 6SN7 based tube preamp brings it to another level.  Once again, "tube", not where you are going.  Talked with Nelson about this hybrid combo a few times before, many customers doing that. Have a few friends who ran this same combo with similar speakers throughout 2019, and while we all liked it, all three of the group went back to higher power tube amps or more local tube mono amps in 2020, but once again - all speaker, room, and hearing preference. I still find even the best SS fatiguing for long listening sessions, we all hear differently I guess. Read up on on it, PASS truly takes 4-24hrs to truly warm up and sound right, some leave them on 24x7. My tube monos warm in 45-60 minutes, don't run hot, and sound amazing but won't suggest that. Best of luck on the SS adventure.   

The Class A wait is downside. Advantage smaller amp. 
Leave it on unless you will be gone an extended time.

I have been advised the 6SN7 preamp tube is the way to go
if you buy any Amp. Love that Supratek line.
I am not opposed to a tube preamp. 
I had a tube preamp- the Audible Illusions L3B. 
Sold it as no preamp sounded better than a preamp
but that is another kettle o'fish.

Nelson advised me once that
"If you have to have a tube then consider".... 
I imagine his counterpart Wayne is making that call.

Your direction is very helpful, thank you. My speakers
allow for treble presence and treble energy adjustments
so I think I may dodge the fatigue factor. But maybe not.

The thing missing with the Cary is the resolution I hear
with the small Class A monos I have now. 

What brand/model of tube amps do you think might be 
a match?  Not the Cary 120 apparently.  High power not
a true need for me. Low power seems to be the more
musical of the two. Odd that NP's cheapest lowest
powered amp is the most musical in his line.
Perhaps he is working on a 12.5 wpc version now.

I have heard the Line Magnetic line and liked them.
Not in the VAC price range but they seem great.
Your suggestions? Thank you.

@chorus , 

Are these an accurate photo of your FSM speakers?

Are you using the 16ohm tap on your speakers when testing?

With FSMs, (I'm not a Tannoy expert - at all) but It's appears (as you are) worth doing more in-depth research on these before buying any amplifier(s). These speakers you have can be a bit picky.  While they seem efficient, doing some quick checking on my end there are repeated suggestions about some struggling with inadequate tube amps to drive these properly, and a few caving in to use "transistors based amps" to get the best out of them. Interesting. Digging some more, now I can see a bit more what brought you to Pass., and why you are reaching out for suggestions. There are more than a few that have matched up the XA-25 in this case. I'd call and talk to Wayne at Pass and again his perspective, first. Then, if you look at any tube amps again, I would look for musical 50w amps before low watt SET, but that's just me reading about your speakers some. More poking around with the Tannoy crew will help .