Need help ! Looking for a low cost integrated tube amp for my office

Looking to upgrade my office system
Music playing through my computer to an Audio engine D1 DAC
At present an old NAD receiver playing to four Vienna acoustics Haydn Grand book shelf speakers and a velodyne sub
Thought I would try my first experience with a tube integrated amp 
Any suggestions ?
Sounds like from your post you are looking for something affordable to pair with those speakers. I can say Jolida and Cayin both have some great sounding integrated amps for good prices especially used. 
Wanna spend more the Octave V110SE I heard recently was pretty damn awesome. 
Call Dave Thomson at Raven Audio.  Check out their website.  Outstanding integrated amp for anyones budget.   Superior Customer Satisfaction and some of the most classic tubes around.  
If low cost is what you are looking for Steve Guttenberg did a review of this inexpensive tube amp
@yogiboy exactly. No inexpensive tube amp is going to do that. I can't even remember the last time I saw one with more than two sets of binding posts. The OP it's better off with a good solid state receiver oh, like the NAD he has but newer.