Clear Audio Virtuoso Ebony v2 Cartridge

I initially bought a Sumiko Blackbird HOMC cartridge to replace a Grado Reference Sonata cartridge which had generated a hum.  It certainly was more detailed than the Grado, and I liked it, but it seemed a little harsh in the high end. So, I exchanged it for the Clear Audio Virtuoso.  
The difference is amazing.  This cartridge is smooth and elegant throughout the whole tonal range.
It made a major change in my system which, in part, consists of a recapped CJ PV11 preamp and a Benchmark AHB 2 Amplifier with GoldenEar Triton 1 speakers.
I highly recommend it!
While it’s not perfect, the sound of Basie on the Clear Audio and my previous Grado Sonata is listenable and enjoyable.
Could this be rolled-off treble making things "listenable"? Thanks for your response RV.
Could be your right, but right now going through my very large collection of LP’s and enjoying every one!