new D’Agostino progression impressions

  • A brief(I hope) overview of the new Progression Integrated amp.
  • I’ve had mine for about a week and am extremely pleased with this amp being the core of my system. The sound quality is outstanding by any standard but not the usual solid state presentation, particularly in the midrange. Vocals are produced in a manner similar to vacuum tubes. Voices are a little larger in scale than most really good solid state amps that I’ve owned. Not better or worse but different. The amp is warm and exceedingly smooth while retaining great detail and separation of instruments. It’s perfectly suited to a neutral to bright loudspeaker and is very powerful as one would expect from D’Agostino. I’m not good at audiophile verbiage for describing sound quality in great detail. I simply judge on the hard to define ‘musicality’ of a component. It’s a highly musical amp with no audiophile deficiencies that I can detect. For comparison I’m embarrassed to say that I previously had the top Luxman combo which was awesome as well. In my home the Luxman duo leaned a bit to the brighter side of neutral which I enjoyed. The D’Agostino is certainly equivalent in sound and build quality but much fuller in presentation. Not necessarily better but just different. I love the way the final design looks and functions. I was hurting a bit to part with Luxman units but not anymore. Almost forgot, the customer service is non paralleled in my experience with Dan highly involved with customer service. He’s a gem.
Base price sans phono and dac is 18k so it sadly has a premium price. The speakers used were Wilson Yvettes.
"The sound quality is outstanding by any standard but not the usual solid state presentation, particularly in the midrange. Vocals are produced in a manner similar to vacuum tubes"  

That seems to be the  benchmark of a proper SS amp.  Looks like the final frontier for those who give up on tube gear.

Enjoy it. You certainly have time.

I'll give up on tube gear when I'm no longer able to turn on the amp.

"Base price sans phono and dac is 18k so it sadly has a premium price."
I wonder if that will change,  considering  our new dynamic. Great time to buy gear.

Excellent question. You would think that manufacturers of expensive audio gear are at least considering more economical pricing given the situation. They will have to in order to survive. No one saw this tsunami coming.
Last thing, my comparison to tubes is based on owning an ARC Ref 75se. I don’t think that any objective person would find the ARC preferable.
One company appears to have reduced prices already - Teddy Pardo, based in Israel.  A piece that had been $1395 is now $1099.  
You don't have to be embarrassed! I'm sure the Luxman stuff was outstanding as well. I've been using the X509L integrated with my ML ESL11As for a few months now and am REALLY happy. I was using ARC ref 75 and 3 and this integrated really makes these sing. Saw Chasing Trane on Netflix today! Coltrane is still my hero. Be well all. Joe