Denafrips Terminator reliability?

I'm about to pull the trigger on a new DAC and I've narrowed my list to the Denafrips Terminator.  I was looking at Aqua La Scall MKII Optologic, but it's a bit out of my price range.  Also looked at PS Audio DS Sr but I think it will be a bit too analog or laid back for my setup:

Blusound Node 2 > Balanced Audio Technology VK33SE > Emotiva XPR2 > Revel Salon 2 and JL F113 subs

The BAT is on the darker side and the Salon 2's are very neutral.  I'm afraid the DS Sr would take me further to the laid back side.  I'm looking for a DAC with a bit more of an in your face presentation.  Watching Darko's review and reading many other online reviews, the Terminator seems to fit the bill.  But this then brings me to my concern.  They no longer have a US based service center.  So if I had any issues, I'd have to send the thing to Singapore or China for warranty repair.  

For those Terminator owners out there, has anyone had any issues with the unit causing a warranty repair?  Or know of anyone who has had to use it?  

Any other DAC options in the 4-5K range that would give that front row presentation that I missed?  Lumin T2 and Auralic Vega G1 were on my radar as well, but I decided I wanted to go dedicated DAC first, and now.  Then get a new dedicated streamer later.  Maybe a Lumin U1 or Innuos Zen.
Get the Terminator, it's really high value, you'll need to get up to $10k+ before beating it handily. 
+1  The Terminator is a fabulous dac.  It handily outperformed the PS Audio DS in my system.
"But from what I've read in my research, the La Voce comes in under the Terminator. The La Scala is the one on par with the Terminator, but is $3k more than the Terminator."

Emm, the thing is, DACs are not sprinters. They are not all running in the exact same direction )). 
I never seen anyone post they had problems with their Terminator DAC. The build quality of it is incredibly high.
Like most dac’s they’ll work flawlessly unless there is a catastrophic failure. I know for a fact that the distributor for Denafrips is very courteous and even if you bought one second hand he would go way out of his way to service it. Just email Vinshine if you don't believe me.The thing is built like a tank, there isn’t much like it in terms of heroic build quality even at 2-3 times its price.