Demo'ing Class A amps, Appreciation Suggestions from those who recently been there

I recently sold my Cary S120MKll Amp in 2 days. It was 60wpc triode.
Filling in with Pass Lab, baby DIY Class A Mono blocks. Maxing at 7 wpc.
My speakers are rated 94 Sensitivity older FSMs by Tannoy.

I have sampled so far in order of preference:

-Pass Labs XA25 -Disneyland color the way I like it. $4,900 new
-Leben 300 Int. 12 wpc. EL 84s by Golden Lion-Like an Upscale call girl. Seductive. $4,000 new-Not in the running-

-Lejonklou Boazu Int.-40wpc S.S. Class a/b-Totally Pure. Almost hurts to hear a guitar slide. $4,000 new
-Sugden Masterclass IA 4 Class A to 33wpc. Very smooth but surprisingly not a great match with my Tannoys. $6,000?

What else would you think might be worth a listen?
I want to go Solid State this time. I enjoy the Class A resolution.
Yes the Leben is an outlier someone offered and I said "Sure"! Done with hum otherwise.

I listen from a low of 60 db to high of 75 db.
Room is irregular and medium sized in terms of cubic
feet. Treated as needed.

I want an amp that is satisfying enough to keep for the long run.
Someday I may add the others for a different sound or with less efficient planars, etc.

Price range $5k max.
Used preferred.
Willing to wait.

Brands I am have not heard but read positive comments about:
Ayre, Naim, Linn

Thank you all in advance for your thoughts.
Please do not feel compelled to respond if you
have not been here in the last few years.

I did try the Masterclass IA4 by Sugden last week.
It was fine but not anything exciting to listen to.
Odd as I had higher expectations for it.
Thanks for the contact info.
I could not find a website for Clayton when I checked.
I had hoped to hear about some good options and certainly
have. Thank you to all for contributing to this thread.
I know nothing of the Omtec brand but it sounds interesting.
Can you pm me some info?

Well as long as you have opened the door to a tube integrated, you might want to check out the Raven Audio Nighthawk MK3 if you can live with 20 tube watts per channel
People seem to think they are very good in the $3k range.  Made in the  USA if that matters and from what I have read a great company to deal with.

I have not heard this integrated, just watched the show footages.
Chorus, I used to like my SS amps a lot but when I moved up to very revealing cables, my SS amps do not sound like music as much as my tube amps which are 300b, EL34 and KT66 based.  The Threshold SA line and “T” series are truly wonderful sounding SS amplifiers and awesome in every way. The long history of online comments on these amps speak for themselves. But ultimately, it’s which amp sounds best in your system. BTW, I’m sorta bias in that I’ve experience quite a bit of components that were very expensive and did not live up to a high standard. I like to stick with what has been proven and tested by many many to be top performers. 

So if I keep my mid-line interconnects, cables and power lines
I will likely be okay with SS then.

Who do you consider to have an opinion of real value?

I want gear that is:
1. Under 5 years of age. Preferably 0-2 years.
2. No defunct companies. No time to chase parts. 
3. Products that have had universally good reviews
4. Products I can try out in my home before owning.
5. Most importantly-that they have a highly involving sound.
6. Then there is that darn budget thing-$5k max.
