Dynaudio Confidence or Sonus Faber monitors

What are your views of Dynaudio Confidence C-1 versus Sonus Faber Memento or the Cremona Auditor M as monitor speakers. I am looking for a small room speaker 11x18x8. Music is pop, rock, jazz. Other component can be modified in the future currently using wadia 27 dac with wadia I-transport,CI audio power supply, Monarchy DIP , Cambridge 840W and 840E, cardas golden ref IC and speaker cables and Sonus faber grand piano home speakers. I think the dynaudio C-2 will be too large for the room plavement.
That room is too small for the C1 IMO. They really need quite a bit of space to integrate and perform up to their potential. The 11' dimension would prohibit this unfortunately.

I had S1.4s in a 14 x 15' room and always felt that the room was quite a bit too small for them. The C1s have a bolder sound than the S1.4s and require a larger room than the S1.4

Sonus Fabers might work better in the smaller room, not sure as I'm not too familiar with them
@Rpssb - The "strings" on the GM stands are removable. If you take them off you see a modestly sculpted grey-black metal pedestal that I believe looks fine. My wife and I experimented with the stands and speakers with and without the strings and finally opted for the stands with the strings and the speakers without the strings.

Like Miner42, I preferred the Auditor M's when they were supplemented with a REL B-2. The room they were in is 14' x 25' x 8'.
I have C1s in a 14.5' x 22.5' x 8.5' room, and they sound great, other than bass. Bass is fine, but not great, and I agree with Mission that C4s are the next step, C2s are not worth the price.

Your room should be fine for C1 if you can keep them away from the walls behind and to the side of them. If not, they won't reach their potential.

Mission, what size is your room with the C4s?
Well I ended up getting the C2 because I like the look better and in the used market the C2's imo are a great buy. I know my future questions will be for room treatments for that room or to get waf to move the C2's to a different room. At least I showed restraint by not buying the C4's for that room. Mission, I also would like to know your room size with the C4s.
Congratulations on the C2's. I would be interested to know how the C2's are doing being driven by the 840E/840W.
