Demo'ing Class A amps, Appreciation Suggestions from those who recently been there

I recently sold my Cary S120MKll Amp in 2 days. It was 60wpc triode.
Filling in with Pass Lab, baby DIY Class A Mono blocks. Maxing at 7 wpc.
My speakers are rated 94 Sensitivity older FSMs by Tannoy.

I have sampled so far in order of preference:

-Pass Labs XA25 -Disneyland color the way I like it. $4,900 new
-Leben 300 Int. 12 wpc. EL 84s by Golden Lion-Like an Upscale call girl. Seductive. $4,000 new-Not in the running-

-Lejonklou Boazu Int.-40wpc S.S. Class a/b-Totally Pure. Almost hurts to hear a guitar slide. $4,000 new
-Sugden Masterclass IA 4 Class A to 33wpc. Very smooth but surprisingly not a great match with my Tannoys. $6,000?

What else would you think might be worth a listen?
I want to go Solid State this time. I enjoy the Class A resolution.
Yes the Leben is an outlier someone offered and I said "Sure"! Done with hum otherwise.

I listen from a low of 60 db to high of 75 db.
Room is irregular and medium sized in terms of cubic
feet. Treated as needed.

I want an amp that is satisfying enough to keep for the long run.
Someday I may add the others for a different sound or with less efficient planars, etc.

Price range $5k max.
Used preferred.
Willing to wait.

Brands I am have not heard but read positive comments about:
Ayre, Naim, Linn

Thank you all in advance for your thoughts.
Please do not feel compelled to respond if you
have not been here in the last few years.

I was in your boat last week... Went from separate pre and class a mono into tannoy arden (new legacy) and wanted to simplify. Got an ex demo luxman 550ax2 for £3k about $3700 looked as new and it beats my more expensive setup in every regard. Effortless layered and a wicked MM MC stage built in to boot.

I've had linn magik dsm in the past... I'm not a fan of their amplification... Detailed but. Leaves me cold. 

If the 550 this good makes me wonder what the 590 does. I always sniffed at intergrated but there is a Synergy there difficult to beat.

Only problem going to one box is being left with phono stage, interconnects and an excess of kimber power leads.... 
Luxman 550 states. Only 20w but tannoys 94db and I barely get to 10 o clock on volume dial before it becomes too loud. They say it goes to AB under demand but not seen anything in writing. Beautifully built and I see know why you see 30year old luxman up for sale still at good prices. 
Sugden also very good but more $ in the US compared to UK so value for money might become relative issue. 

If u decide to stay tube, give a Line Magnetic 518ia consideration. SET, 22wpc, but very capable watts.  4/8/16 ohms taps available.  A little hum, yes.....but gloriously musical. Best of luck in ur search.   
@decooney - I am very impressed by the sound, very good soundstage with beautiful decaying of instruments, I did not expect so much right away as I am using the pre out of my old intergraded amp, but I can live with this sound happily until I get a tube pre.

I think it sounds neutral, the bass is very good, very live, the treble sounds extended too me, but the midrange is just wow, very good tonally and at the same time very clear.

My hybrid amp gave some more atmosphere, like being in a small nightclub listening to Grant Green, but when I get my tube pre I expect that to come back, the SA-30 has much better resolution than my hybrid, that’s for sure.
The amp design looks real quality, very thick front, back and top plate, nothing ringing when you knock them, only tender knuckles ;-)

A very faint hum can be heard if one puts the ear close to the amp, but the speakers are dead quiet with full output on the pre.

It does get very warm though, so good ventilation is important.