Considering A SS amplifier

Currently have a PS Audio BHK 250 Signature, but am finding tubes really aren’t my thing, even just a small pair of them. Currently have some Telefnken 6922 in there, have had Siemens 6922 gold pins also.

Considering either a Maker G7 or a pair of AVM Essential Monoblocks. Can’t listen to either before purchase, so its going to be an experiment. Yes both are off the used market. 

Pre amp is a Halcro DM8.

Anyone have any experiences with either of these?
The BHK 250 is a nice amplifier, particularly when paired with the right preamp and speakers.  Triode tube front-end with all-MOSFET circuitry.

Might be worth saving, finding the root cause issues (likely in other parts of the system), rather than making a knee-jerk reaction to dump it and try other amps to realize the same result yet again. 

So far I have used it with the matching BHK Signature pre amp, along with one from Edge, and a passive from Placette Audio. So far I prefer tbe Halcro. Also ran a dozen tube chouces through it and the Telwfunken work best. Cables from Wireworld, Tara Labs, VH Audio, and  Analysis Plus Silver Apex work the best. Power cords from PI Audio Group, Wireworld, Analysis Plus. PS Audio, and ZU Audio. 

The amp sounds good, but just too soft around the edges foe me. 

I have owned plenty of tube amps and pre amps over my 30÷ years in this hobby. Spent a decade enjoying SET based systems. I find tubes no longer speak ro me in terms of how I enjoy music. My preference. Of course speakers define what amplification is going to be the best choice. Currently use a pair of JBL 4365.
So far I have used it with the matching BHK Signature pre amp, along with one from Edge, and a passive from Placette Audio. So far I prefer tbe Halcro. Also ran a dozen tube chouces through it and the Telwfunken work best. Cables from Wireworld, Tara Labs, VH Audio, and Analysis Plus Silver Apex work the best. Power cords from PI Audio Group, Wireworld, Analysis Plus. PS Audio, and ZU Audio.

The amp sounds good, but just too soft around the edges foe me.

Well, you certainly gave it quite a chance, all the preamps and even AP Silvers you tried - was gonna mention those but you already did that. PS does offer a tad more laid back sound and presentation IMO. You tried a lot more than most do to find synergy.  Not for your ears and preference maybe.  Best of Luck on the next steps.    


The only other consideration I got is speaker wire. Use Wireworld Eclipse Series 8. But need an 8 meter run so thats not a cheap test as I cannot find a run of that length on the used market