I gave you 2 excellent choices to go with. Threshold SA series or T series. I happen to not like Solid State as much as tube amps because tubes sound more like music compared to SS. The 2 amps I’m recommending are tube-like sound and extremely good. When I say good, I mean outstanding. Just so you get an idea of where I’m coming from. Your mid level cables should be fine-to-perfect. I like some other amps mentioned but what I like to see in a solid state amp is simplicity and built solid. I know of other amps that sound fantastic too but are built very complex with a ton of internal parts. I feel that the simple, well made SS are my favorites and most reliable. Also, I’m bias that I highly prefer class A amps. If I were you I would not discount older class A amps, 20+ yrs. Some of these are beast and will out live you and me and the next generation. Some just require new power caps and they are good for another 30yrs. The 1st thing I listen for in a SS amp, is it musical and transparent. Next, does it have detail. Is it refined and does the music flow. Resolution, imaging, soundstaging, etc. I go down the line. If it passes all the things that matter to me, then I feel it’s a killer piece and it’s for me. You happen to be fortunate that your speaker do not need a lot of power. Try a Threshold T-100, or T-50.