@oblgny , Have you ever considered Thiel CS 2's? I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just offering an option for consideration. I know you're a fan of the 3.5's, but circumstances might be keeping you from those. I see CS 2's regularly listed for a few hundred bucks. Somewhat similar to the 3.5's in sonic signature, but also somewhat easier to drive. Other than perhaps for some amplifiers and to a lesser extant some speaker cables, upstream components would suit both equally well.
If and when considering, do make sure to inspect the drivers. Though the CS 2's might have been Thiel's most durable models, I've seen examples of unscrupulous sellers passing off other drivers as OEM. The CS 2's somewhat unique grills, which perhaps more so than any other Thiel model needs to be in place when used, have additional and rather sturdy double sided tape attached to the baffle. At first it might seem as though the grills can't be removed, but they can. Be sure to inspect that the drivers are genuine Thiel's. All in all the CS 2's might make transitioning back to 3.5's when circumstances permit rather easy.