An unusual problem

I recently moved into an industrial loft.  It tuns out the wall of windows extends into the next apartment with the wall butting up against the pane, sealed, but shared none the less.  An 11:15 knock at the door revealed that my subwoofer causes a vibration in my neighbor’s place.  Besides turning it down, can anyone suggest a solution?
Unfortunately your problem isn’t that unusual, it’s just one of the pitfalls of sharing a common wall with your neighbor. You can try some mitigation, but realistically you’re just going to have to turn everything down in the late hours.
but realistically you’re just going to have to turn everything down in the late hours.
Not just late hours but all the time except when theyre not in. 
Buy an Auralex Sub Dude isolation platform.  I've had one for years ...not only does it improve the sound but it eliminates many rattles associated with having a sub.  My mom had been complaining that my dad's sub was boomy and keeping her up....  he's 76 so sometimes movies are a little louder than they should be.  He says "does anybody ever say turn it down at the theater?"   Touche, I guess.  Anyway  I went over there one Saturday when he wasn't home and slipped a sub dude under the sub and ran the Anthem room correction software again and it's never sounded better.  Boominess is gone and you don't feel it in other rooms now unless it's loud.  One of the greatest accessories ever.
I have a Subdude in my bedroom.  I live in a house, but my neighbor's house is not too far away.  I think it helps a little, I never went outside with my SPL meter to see if it made a difference or not.  Eventually I just quit using the sub in there.  They never complained, but I was trying to be proactive.

There's this thing called consideration that you can get for free.  If you live in a box right next to someone in another box, don't play your music loud after 10 PM.  Headphones are a good suggestion.  That's what I do late at night.
bass waves are so long that they penetrate easily. best suggestion I read was just go to headphones at night....harmony with your neighbor is important.