Easy to use NAS? Trouble with file loading

Hi all,
I've been using a WD MyCloud for a couple of years. I still buy CDs, rip them on my desktop, then transfer to the NAS with File Explorer. This is a very laborious and time consuming process which does not always work the same way twice. The W10 pc with a usb storage device is connected to my router with ethernet, as is the NAS, and recently a transfer of a moderate sized set of files failed multiple times over the course of several hours until I canceled the job. I find it incomprehensible that WD does not have a basic file transfer dialog that comes with the HW. I'm tired of screwing with it.

Do any of you use a NAS which is easy to copy files into? Or a simple to use recommended process other than file explorer?

I have a Melco N1A music server which I basically use as my NAS.
I have a choice of uploading files via one of its USB inputs or of just simply copying and pasting or dragging and dropping files stored elsewhere on my network.
When I did the initial load to the Melco of my collection of uncompressed Flacs, I accomplished this by just connecting an external USB drive to the Melco. When I’m uploading just a handful of recent rips, I do that by the copy and paste method. As it so happens, I also have a WD Mycloud device for non music needs. Although I’ve never made use of it, my WD Mycloud does have a USB input.
Your ISP has nothing to do with the speed of your LAN. You say you have a Windows PC with a USB device attached are you trying to copy from the USB device to the NAS?
My experience with a QNAP NAS is that large batch files transferred from an external hard drive through USB interface will move an order of magnitude faster with the USB-attached hard drive direct-connected to the NAS, rather than connected to a Windows computer and onward through Ethernet to the NAS.
However, smaller files, such as a single rip of a CD or SACD file on a Windows PC, transfer quickly and reliably from PC to a NAS via wireless or wired Ethernet. 

Here's the path: Toshiba external drive > usb > w10 pc (file explorer)> ethernet > trendnet switch > ethernet > ATT Uverse router > ethernet > switch > ethernet > WD MyCloud
Here's the path: Toshiba external drive > usb > w10 pc (file explorer)> ethernet > trendnet switch > ethernet > ATT Uverse router > ethernet > switch > ethernet > WD MyCloud