711Smilin, AVGURU, and others in the Chicago obsession clinic...I have a few questions for you folks that I would ask Alex directly, but perhaps others following this thread could benefit from the answers as well. Besides, I am sure Alex is busy with his regular work. I think this thread alone could be a full time job.
When you guys did your several side-by-side comparisons, I understand you did mostly, if not all, in two channel redbook, and some SACD. How does the APL 3910 do in SACD relative to the others you have listened to, as well as in multi-channel and DVD-A? I understand the Modwright (or was it Underwood?) Sony was quite nice too.
I see that Alex offers a multi-channel option for a little extra, but what does that get you? Since this thread references off the DV-50 (which I have), can you compare it to that in multi-channel?
711, you have mentioned that you use a separate machine for SS/HT for personal taste reasons. How does the APL 3910 fair for HT sound when using the digital coax output? Again, since you owned a DV-50 at one time, is it comparable to that sound from the coax? This may seem like a stupid question, but I have tried many players recently and have found big differences in their digital coax sound. These differences, for whatever reason, do seem to coincide with their analog performance, but I dont claim to be smart enough to know why there is any difference at all.
And finally, has anyone with a modded 3910 had any problems playing any types of disks. Specifically 192kHz two channel DVD-A? The stock 3910 I owned when they first came out rejected these disks for me. I brought this up once before in this thread
sorry to bring it up again.
As mentioned above, I am currently using a DV-50 and I like it for movies as well as two channel and multi-channel, but you guys are dangling the carrot I front of me. I really wish I could hear an APL machine for myself, but alas
I am in Philly and am not quite dedicated enough to drive/fly out to Chicago (Yes, I am a lazy SOB). Although I dont do a lot of multi-channel listening, I like to keep my options open, and want only one box/player to do it all. I am not so concerned with video performance since I am also using an external video processor. If I really wanted, any machine I end up with could be modded for SDI to get the ultimate in video.
Thanks in advance.
PS sorry if this posts twice, my computer just screwed up