Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Gare du Nord - "Rendezvous 8:02" MOV Blue Vinyl

First time hearing it. I like it!
@spiritofradio Are you on your computer? Tablet/phone? When I use the tablet, I have to double tap after typing a couple of letters for it to work. 

The 1200 is great, listening to it now with a Denon DL-301 MK2 cart. I have a new (to me) VPI Classic 2 showing up tomorrow.