Headshell recommendations for AT33SA on SL1200G


I am planning to upgrade my cart to an AT33SA on my SL1200G, but I'm a little confused about whether this would require me to also change the headshell (low compliance cart, resonance frequency etc.).

Can I keep the standard headshell, or should I upgrade to something heavier? Can I go as heavy as an Audio-Technica LH/OCC AT-LH for example?

Many thanks!
The Ortofon LH-9000 would seem to me to be a bizarre recommendation in this case.

Cartridge/Tonearm resonance is just about ideal with the OP's combination currently and if Pintree's experience is to be believed (and I see no reason why it shouldn't), it doesn't really make sense to replace a 7 gram headshell with one that weighs almost 17 grams. 

I really like the Yamamoto HS4 for the money, but even it comes in just
under 11 grams so I would not be inclined to recommend it in this case. 

If I was the OP, I'd be looking at headshells that weigh in the 7-9
gram range. Yamamoto Boxwood is cheap and might be worth a try at around 8 grams (no experience with it and it may be horrible!). But I certainly wouldn't be spending a lot of money on any headshell weighing much more than that (at least not before auditioning, which is clearly difficult to do with headshells!) if I was the OP and committed to that cartridge/tonearm combination. 
Dear @diceman72 : No, you don't have to change the Technics headshell with that new cartridge.

What is my advise is to change the headshell leads/wires for a better quality ones and when you do that you will listen at once the quality improvement no matters what. Of course you listen that new cartridge with the original headshell leads and then listen it after the better leads change.

You have to go step by stwep on your analog up-grades.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Dynamic compliance of the AT33SA is 10×10-6cm/dyne (100Hz)
It will be around 17cu @ 10Hz and this is a starting point for calculation.

AT33Sa weight is 6.9g

I think 12g headshell could be more optimal than stock Technics headshell which is also nice.

Anyway it's important to have different headshell in the arsenal, Technics is super lightweight and better for high-ish compliance, Ortofon LH-9000 is heavy one for low compliance. 

Maybe one more in the middle and you're done for mid compliance (for any cartridge).