Hunt for new floor standers

Having sold my speakers, I’m in the hunt for a new pair of floor standers. I’m stepping up my game from the PSB Silver i’s that I had for years. I’d be interested in hearing from fellow Audiogoners about their suggestions for 2 channel, audio only towers. I’d like good bass response and prefer not to invest in a sub. Having said that, high end clarity is a must as well. Currently I’m using a tubed Rogue Super Magnum 99 preamp and a SS Belles 150A Hot Rod amp. In short time I may opt out of the Belles amp but for now it’s stays. I’ve auditioned the KEF R700 and the Sonus Faber Chameleons and liked them both but I’m not sure how either would play with my rig. My budget allows for mid $2K max and I’m OK with used equipment that’s been well taken care of. Insightful input is appreciated.
Since I posted this thread, I've had many great responses. To all of you who take the time, thank you. I've been re-reading all of the suggestions, doing the research and coming away wishing more than ever to be able to listen to 10% of them. Either it's my location, Sarasota/Bradenton FL or hifi shops are becoming a thing of the past. Last month Tampa hosted the Florida Audio Expo, which I missed, and yet when I do a search for hifi shops in the area I get mostly auto and home theatre hits whose websites show little in home audio. Someone above mentioned Suncoast Audio which is not far from me. But his caveat of it not being in my price point has kept me from even going there. On the east coast of Florida it looks to be a bit better and I may end up making the trip if I find something there. The alternative is to buy on recommendations and reviews, which most of us know is not the best way to spend your money. That said, I appreciate any other suggestions that add to this thread.

Holy Shelter-in-Place! It's been a while since I've checked this thread. I thought I'd add some info on what I've been looking at these past few weeks. Any thoughts on the Monitor Audio Silver 500's? These are in their 6G and consistently get great reviews...even back to the 4G models. Comparisons to Focal, B&W and ML?
go listen to the expensive stuff and figure out whats the most important aspect of playback to you and we can narrow the field some. VA, Klipsch, and Martin Logan shouldn’t all be in the same thread.

I heard a pair of $400 paradigm stand mounts that blew me away! I expected them to cost at least $1200. Paradigm like monitor have built a solid reputation on value for the dollar and probably are the most competitive at the $1000 range. PSB is in the same class and if you liked the silvers why not step up.
Holy Shelter-in-Place! It's been a while since I've checked this thread. I thought I'd add some info on what I've been looking at these past few weeks. Any thoughts on the Monitor Audio Silver 500's? These are in their 6G and consistently get great reviews...even back to the 4G models. Comparisons to Focal, B&W and ML?
IMO, the new Silver series was not a big improvement over the outgoing Silvers. These brands sort of play leap-frog, and the B&W 7 series has taken the lead over MA. I'd say the same for Paradigm'd Prestige line which sounded excellent in my recent audition, possibly even overtaking the B&Ws.

As for the Martin Logan Motion series, it's still competitive and I consider them a killer value at their closeout prices.